1,399 reviews
5/5 average rating
Dea F Chaerunissa
Talita Amalia
"lavish, comfortable, with exceptional and helpful staff. I find the co-working space is reasonable with the stated price. As this place is in LG level it is quite easy to find meals and good news is that i can bring food from outside!"
3 years ago
Google review
video pendek lucu
"Elite dan Berkualitas"
3 years ago
Google review
Anisa Ryanda Putri
"Tempatnya bagus bangeettt. Cukup cozy buat kerja seharian. Dedicated roomnya banyak, dan cukup kedap suara. Fasilitas penunjangnya cukup lengkap ada wifi, printer, locker, microwave, coffee maker, dispenser, kulkas, toilet dan musholah. Selain itu stafnya ramah dan baikkk banget. Waktu itu aku sm temen-temen ke sana book daily hot desk untuk 10 org. Terus sa..." Read more
3 years ago
Google review
Respati Kusumawardhani
"Tempatnya deket kantor suami saya, mbak2 front linenya juga ramah bisa diajak bercanda. Ada kursi yang khusus untuk sendiri jadi kita ngerjain tugas bisa fokus dan orang ga akan liat kalo meja/kursi kita berantakan hihihi 😆"
3 years ago
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Aryani Lydia
"Cakep lah"
3 years ago
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Hendy Musa
"Best coworking space at PIK"
3 years ago
Google review
Abdul Fatah Tirtayasa
"Cozy banget GoWork disini, coworking space yg didesain seperti cafe dan punya. fasilitas yg lengkap juga bikin kerja jadi nyaman banget"
3 years ago
Google review
Dina Vatikarani
"Try it once, the place is conducive for work, the person in charge are friendly, nice environment to work"
3 years ago
Google review
Rani brtorus
"Comfy, clean, super friendly and helpful Staff."
3 years ago
Google review
Muhamad Rizki
"Good place, comfortable"
3 years ago
Google review
Asril Wardani
"Lokasinya sangat mudah terjangkau ditengah kebijakan Ganjil Genap dan ruangannya lebih rapih dengan layout yang lebih baik dibandingkan Gowork di lokasi lainnya"
3 years ago
Google review
Willem Sebastian
"Tempatnya nyaman, tenang dan pelayanannya ramah"
3 years ago
Google review
Levina Vina
"Tempatnya bersih dan nyaman, orang-orangnya juga ramah banget. Pokoknya tenang dan recommend bangett"
3 years ago
Google review
"Tempanya nyaman banget, kebersihannya sangat sangat bersih, orang orang yang ramah, dan nyaman untuk bekerja di Go Work Puri, semuanya harus dipertahankan!!"
3 years ago
Google review
Pertiwi Damamain
"Comfortable place to study and work"
3 years ago
Google review
Ni Kadek Indah Novianti
"Co working space yang sangat nyaman dan stategis. Kebersihan disini sangat terjaga"
3 years ago
Google review
Puspita Suryana
"The good place for working"
3 years ago
Google review
Putri Aprilliana
"Comfortable public spaces with Sudirman view. It also provide free black coffee."
3 years ago
Google review
Andintya Anissa
"I love the design of the space, especially the meeting pod! The people of GoWork itself were also very friendly, didn't have any problem with GoWork. :)) I will definitely try the other GoWork's space. <3"
3 years ago
Google review
ivander juan
"Bersih, rapih dan penataan ruangannya jg bagus"
3 years ago
Google review
tjaturrini rumintari
"Tempatnya nyaman dan bersih dan sangat menjaga protokol kesehatan untuk para tamu yg datang...jd g takut dech aktivitas di dlm ruaagan tersebut"
3 years ago
Google review
Fake Mask
"Woow! Awesome place!"
3 years ago
Google review
Bitnauli Geraldine
"Cozy place to work!"
3 years ago
Google review
Adam Bagaskara Putra
"Cozy place and well-provided for Wifi"
3 years ago
Google review
"So Gooood place for working.....strategic,,perlengkapan makan disediakan (lemari es,microwave, mugs, peralatan makan lengkap,,bisa bikin teh,cream kopi,pokonya kece bgt tempatnya❤️"
3 years ago
Google review