Meet Marlin Reviews & Testimonials

4.7 (305)

Google Reviews: 230


100% of Google users would recommend Meet Marlin

  230 reviews
  4.7/5 average rating

  Showing 4 star reviews only  

Jimmy Lin

Jimmy Lin star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt


4 years ago

Google review


葉子 star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"剛剛好的地點 剛剛好的美景 剛剛好的人情味 剛剛好的美食 整體就是剛剛好"

4 years ago

Google review


陳壓榨 star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"飛魚軟香腸 好吃 坐的地方太陽很大 稍熱"

4 years ago

Google review


LIN0937329294林煒智 star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt


4 years ago

Google review


胡志宗 star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt


4 years ago

Google review

Avis Chao

Avis Chao star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"老闆人挺好的 對食材介紹蠻詳細 味道還可以 用餐環境乾淨整潔"

4 years ago

Google review

viivi Chen

viivi Chen star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt


4 years ago

Google review

Hsin Hsiang Huang

Hsin Hsiang Huang star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Nice food and great port view"

4 years ago

Google review

white hsieh

white hsieh star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt


4 years ago

Google review

tai ming kung

tai ming kung star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"在魚港裡面的餐廳 很乾淨 餐點菜色味道不錯。"

4 years ago

Google review


林欣亞 star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"乾淨 氣氛佳 餐點份量實足 老闆細心解說每項餐點"

4 years ago

Google review

kung tai ming

kung tai ming star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"在成功魚港裡面,很乾淨的玻璃帷幕裡面的餐廳安靜的用餐 服務人員為客人講解菜單上的菜 很棒。"

4 years ago

Google review


許義信 star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"料理好 食材鮮 待客佳"

5 years ago

Google review


YACHI WEN star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt


5 years ago

Google review

Angelinas C

Angelinas C star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"邊吃還可以邊欣賞風景,挺舒服的 上菜時間有點久,可能人比較多吧 等座位的時間也有點久,但他們都有認真消毒座位(個人覺得等一下是值得的) 周邊商品魚鬆跟魚酥也不錯喔! 可以當伴手禮"

5 years ago

Google review

George Chen

George Chen star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt


5 years ago

Google review

qiuyin chen

qiuyin chen star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt


5 years ago

Google review

Angelina Angelina

Angelina Angelina star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"位在港口邊,風景不錯 來到成功,就為了想嚐嚐用鬼頭刀魚漿做成的魚丸 因來的時間並不餓 但又想吃吃魚丸 所以點了幾樣料理嚐鮮 魚料理部分調味剛好口味滿意度不錯 生魚片也很新鮮 重點的魚丸湯吃起來很有Q彈 吃的出魚漿的海之鮮美味 不過油蔥酥的量太多有點可惜 讓魚丸本身的味道有點被稀釋掉"

5 years ago

Google review

jahwa lin

jahwa lin star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"食物整體不錯,但青菜偏油... 沒有點雙人套餐...選了香煎魚片、生魚片、高麗菜、鹿角菜炒蛋、越光米×2碗、水果=共$960 鹿角菜炒蛋好吃,感覺很像雨來菇。 生魚片新鮮“小份”、越光米吃起來QQ的好吃、魚片是吐托魚也不錯。 整體view面海很美還可以附近走走。"

5 years ago

Google review


黃彥穎 star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"美味好吃,價錢合理。 有別於傳統海鮮餐廳的重口味和油膩。"

5 years ago

Google review

Cheng Wang

Cheng Wang star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt


5 years ago

Google review

shao yu

shao yu star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"這邊餐廳裝潢很漂亮 食品調味不錯 但價格對應分量稍稍的有點不夠完美 味噌湯挺好喝的 如果要來的話蠻推薦的哦"

5 years ago

Google review


格格 star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt


5 years ago

Google review


H.T. star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"米飯香甜好吃,菜色以魚的料理為主,口味清淡不膩。餐廳位置就在漁港旁,靠窗的位置可以看風景,另外也有一個小陽台可以眺望漁港 環境衛生都很不錯,廁所很乾淨,老闆很友善 非常不錯的一家店"

5 years ago

Google review

Luy Chiang

Luy Chiang star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt


5 years ago

Google review