Dahlia L Verified customer
Program Manager, Lead, Conviva

Jessica Lohmann
Business Owner, Ethical Brand Marketing
"Ah, what can I say about how I feel about Wendy? I'm blown away? I'm floored? I'm inspired and incredibly grateful? All of the above and more! Well, after speaking with Wendy, I am now 100% confident about how to pursue my life's purpose and am currently working it out so that I can fully concentrate on that because it will fulfill me and make me happy. It..." Read more
7 years ago

Christina Lorie Lanier
"Wendy was an answer to many questions I had in order to keep moving forward in starting up my online business. She was authentic as well as genuinely concerned for my success. After our chat on messenger, I walked away with tears of joy feeling invigorated and alive not to mention clear about what my next steps to take were. I am truly forever grateful f..." Read more
7 years ago

Patrice Williams Marks
Founder & Business Owner, SensitivityReviews.com - MIBTP
"Very authentic and caring. Gives you "real" action steps to make big changes in your life."
7 years ago

Steph Kang Verified customer
Reiki Master, Yoga Instructor, Turtle Flo
"I received both group & 1:1 coaching from Wendy within the CFF online course. She offers her wide range of knowledge from spiritual to technical. Her coaching style is personable yet always professional."
6 months ago

Cydney Mar Verified customer
Founder, Cydney Mar, Cydney Mar Wellness & Face Mask Love
"Wendy is an incredible Leadership Consultant, her high calibre professionalism & warm-hearted guidance helped us move from chaos to collaborative empowered leaders. Working with her has been a life-changing experience in up levelling."
5 years ago

Ximena Santibañez Verified customer
"Wendy's leadership through our problem-solving efforts was structured, loving, and insightful. Building up on each of our team's strengths and giving clarity and practical solutions to a problem that seemed draining and overwhelming to us."
5 years ago

Jessica Lohmann
"Ah, what can I say about how I feel about Wendy? I'm blown away? I'm floored? I'm inspired and incredibly grateful? All of the above and more! Wendy is a true healer. Within minutes, tears had started to form and I'm not a cryer because in baseball, there is no crying, right? That's how I was raised. 'Suck it up, kiddo!' Well, she had me in tears because..." Read more
7 years ago

Siri Anna
"I had a "Meet Your Soul - Access Spiritual Power" session with Wendy, and it was truly amazing. I had never met Wendy before, and she greeted me with so much kindness and care, and really took time to understand me so that the session evolved in the way that it needed to for my body/mind/spirit. The session was then a great lesson on understanding our soul..." Read more
7 years ago

Siri Wieringa
"I had a "Meet Your Soul - Access Spiritual Power" session with Wendy, and it was truly amazing. I had never met Wendy before, and she greeted me with so much kindness and care, and really took time to understand me so that the session evolved in the way that it needed to for my body/mind/spirit. The session was then a great lesson on understanding our soul..." Read more
7 years ago

Pam Nichols
Professional Artist, PamNichols.com
"My experience in Wendy's workshop was beyond amazing. I actually for the first time saw energy flowing from another persons body. I was thinking, "is this actually happening?" I looked away and looked back and it was still there. She provides a safe and energetic space to work in. I highly recommend her workshops and teachings."
7 years ago

Pam Nichols
Professional Artist, PamNichols.com
"My experience in Wendy's workshop was beyond amazing. I actually for the first time saw energy flowing from another person body. I was thinking was this actually happening. I looked away and looked back and it was still there. She provides a safe and energetic space to work in. I highly recommend her workshops and teachings."
7 years ago
"Wendy is a phenomenal Mentor and Career Coach. I've witnessed her excellence first hand, and didn't hesitate to reach out when I required a Career Coach to help me identify my strengths, determine my career path and negotiate salaries."
5 years ago