Live Well and Fully Reviews & Testimonials

5 (271)

Reviews: 271


100% of customers would recommend Live Well and Fully

star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"This program has been a calm in the storm of dealing with my son's addiction. I continue to learn new understandings of the disease of addiction and co-dependency as well as communication techniques that help me on a daily basis."

2 years ago

Laura Peveler star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I lived in fear of what might happen with my addicted son and I didn't have any joy. I learned that my "helping" them isn't helping them or me. The tools got me to a better place and my son too. It has been amazing. Highly recommend it!"

2 years ago

Dawn C star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Barbara's Love another way program is phenomenal. It's educational, insightful, & provides a supportive community of moms who really "get it". I have grown stronger to do what I must re: boundaries, which is effecting change in him too."

2 years ago

Sally S. star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Barbara's program is a life saver. It is well thought out and organized and provides great resources and tools. The guest speakers and private FB page are wonderful. Reading/listening to everyone's stories is so helpful."

2 years ago

Zaida Aviles

Zaida Aviles star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Having made the decision to enter the program has brought peace to my life. I finally found someone who, based on her experiences, can share what she applied to work with her son. Despite not being fully in the program, his recommendations "

2 years ago

Anonymous star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I am so happy and extremely grateful to have found this program. It’s teaching me how to deal with my adult child’s addiction, how to set boundaries and how to communicate lovingly and effectively. It is helping me stay sane. 🙏🏼❤️"

2 years ago

Bonnie Stocker

Bonnie Stocker star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I turned to Barbara when I felt like I was so desperate for help that I needed someone who's been in my position. Boy was that something I am glad that I did. Barbara has been though it all and her help and insight is just what I needed."

2 years ago

Mary Alice star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"My son was in treatment for a yr. Clean, not recovery. I was frazzled from trying to save him. This class was like having my windshield cleaned. Not easy but I have set boundaries, selfcare and using this knowledge in other aeas. SIGN UP!!"

3 years ago

MDR star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Barbara and her team are a lighthouse in this fog of confusion, sadness & despair. She provides working tools to help you get through the fog, back to some sanity & back to yourself. All in a compassionate supportive environment."

3 years ago

Vickie Menendez

Vickie Menendez star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I found this course by chance and knew that I needed to try something new. Everything I had tried in the past failed. I have had more peace since I started this program than I had in years. You won't be sorry. Do it for yourself."

3 years ago

Susan Peterson

Susan Peterson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Barbara Decker's program "Love Another Way" was a life saver for me. Facing an unknown journey into substance abuse was like being in shark infested waters and I gained a life line through this program. So very grateful!"

3 years ago

Kathie Norris star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I have found this program extremely helpful in navigating life with an addicted adult daughter. The sense of community and caring from Barbara, her staff and the other members has been wonderful! I highly recommend this program to others!"

3 years ago

star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I found this program at a time when I felt powerless, fearful and alone. It has helped me to learn strategies to deal with the constant chaos that I was living in. I have learned how to set boundaries and find some peace. So much support ❤️"

3 years ago

Jean P star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"love another way teaches parents "mom's" to do what needs to be done. somehow when we do better and learn to love but let go ... our adult children do better! give this program a try you will be better and so will your adult child!"

3 years ago

Linda Wood star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Joining Barbara Decker's program is the best thing I could have done for myself! I have learned so much about addiction and co-dependency, even though I thought I knew everything about it already! The group support is amazing! I love it!"

3 years ago

Pat Kunde star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Barbara's program saved my sanity (and possibly saved my daughter's life). The secret Face Book page is always there for you to get help from other Moms going through the same thing, and Barbara herself reads and talks you through ."

3 years ago

Erin Norberg star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Barbara Decker and her staff are absolutely amazing. If you are a parent struggling in your loved one's addiction, this is the program for you. You will find peace and regain control over what's happening to you, from your very first se"

3 years ago

Gayle star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I’ve learned a lot of good tips along the way. I feel this program is very helpful and sincere."

3 years ago

Pamela EauClaire Hagens

Pamela EauClaire Hagens star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"A powerful ,and enlightening approach to loving your adult child with addiction . Barbara provides a variety of techniques and approaches that are life changing for all involved . She empowers and encourages self care and personal peace ."

3 years ago

Virginia Mcgregor star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"It' s like someone handing u the oxygen to breathe better!!"

3 years ago

Annick star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Great program."

3 years ago

Patsy Fergusson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Moms know they shouldn't enable their adult children with addiction or mental health problems. But they don't want to cut them off, either. Barbara teaches us how to set good boundaries to improve our lives--and maybe our kid's, too."

3 years ago

Julie Schatz

Julie Schatz star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I have found a good deal of clarity in this program. I was in serious stress and felt helpless. I am learning a lot about addiction & codependence. I can set a boundary, put my own priorities first. I am supported here. priceless!"

3 years ago

Alice Smith

Alice Smith star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I was sceptical signing up to this program but I’m so glad that I did. I found it very helpful talking with other Moms about our issues dealing with our addicted children and realizing I wasn’t alone in this difficult journey."

3 years ago

Carol star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"After I video, I felt such relief. I was able to put the responsibility back on the addict. Because that is where it belongs in order for him to move forward managing his disease"

3 years ago