Benjamin Oeckl Verified customer
Geschäftsführer bei Belform

Ben Bach Verified customer
Senior Executive bei Cap Gemini
"Alex versteht wie Marken sich heutzutage in den sozialen Kanälen zu positionieren und zu vermarkten haben."
5 years ago

Max Wittrock Verified customer
MyMuesli GmbH
"Alex hat bei uns einen erstklassigen Workshop durchgeführt und hilft uns seitdem bei der Optimierung unserer Facebook Ads Strategie."
5 years ago

Julia Laukemann Verified customer
Gründerin von MyBlossom
"Alex hat unsere Go-to-Market Strategie für My Blossom im positiven Sinn vor Launch „einmal auf den Kopf gestellt“ und damit uns ein Geschäftsmodell ermöglicht, das bereits nach einigen Monaten nach bereits großen Anklang fand."
5 years ago

Lea Mener Verified customer
Head of Marketing bei New Flag
"Die Social Media Beratung und optimierte Facebook Werbung von Alex und seinem Team trägt zu einem großen Anteil zur Steigerung unserer Conversion bei."
5 years ago

Charles Von Abercron Verified customer
Venture Architect Director bei BCG Digital Ventures
"Es ist faszinierend zu sehen, wie Alex mit Hilfe der sozialen Medien unsere Kundenbedürfnisse analysieren und ansprechen kann."
5 years ago

Dannos Tsakalos Verified customer
Head of Conferences & Awards, Marketing Week
"Ich hatte die Ehre, Alex Khan in den letzten Jahren bereits viermal in drei verschiedenen Ländern auf der Bühne begrüßen zu dürfen. Warum? Weil er ein großartiger und sehr erfahrener Redner und vor allem ein netter Kerl ist, der sich um sein Publikum kümmert. Er wird dem Hype immer gerecht und erzielt am Ende Top-Bewertungen, da er nützliche Einblicke und um..." Read more
5 years ago

Francina Harrison Verified customer
The Career Engineer
"Alex Khan hat meinem Unternehmen und meiner Marke dabei geholfen, zu überdenken, wie wir mit potenziellen Kunden in Kontakt treten und wie ich meine Reichweite steigern kann. Er half mir, Methoden und Systeme so zu entwickeln und / oder umzugestalten, dass meine Conversion-Rate und mein Umsatz gesteigert wurde. Mit seinen außergewöhnlich guten Ideen und sein..." Read more
5 years ago

Paul Kirkpatrick Verified customer
"Alex ist einer, wenn nicht der sachkundigste Social Media Mentor und Stratege den ich kenne. Seine Unterstützung im Bereich Social Media ist herausragend! Ich lerne mit Alex seit über einem Jahr und sein Wissen, dass er mit seinen Studenten und Kunden teilt ist grenzenlos. Es ist ein seltenes Privileg ihn als Mentor zu haben."
5 years ago

Malou Deuber Verified customer
ghd Deutschland
"Dank der professionellen Social Media-Unterstützung durch Attractive Media hat sich der ROI unserer Facebook & Instagram Werbung vervielfacht. Wir freuen uns sehr durch die Beratung von Alex und seinem Team den richtigen Partner für die sozialen Kanäle von ghd Deutschland gefunden zu haben."
5 years ago

Michelle Oldenburg Verified customer
Michelle Oldenburg
"Alex is an incredible leader I came across in the early days of Periscope. Alex is approachable and very much a human being in a potentially automated world with so many self proclaimed Gurus. Very easy to connect with and understand when explaining the ins and outs of building your presence on Social Media."
5 years ago

Paul Kirkpatrick Verified customer
"Social Media is changing almost daily which makes Alex Khan's Masterclass the most valuable investment a person can make. Alex stays on the cutting edge of Social Media and freely shares that knowledge with his students. It is an honor being part of Alex's Masterclass."
5 years ago

Rachel Y. Johnston Verified customer
The Johnston Firm PLLC
"I have grown tremendously while enrolled in Alex's Masterclass for the last 10 months. I also tune in to his daily scopes. Additionally, I received his valuable input when I subscribed to his Check Your Scope campaign! He actually reviewed my broadcast and gave great pointers on how I could get better! I am proud to be one of his top 10 Superfans! Alex is th..." Read more
5 years ago

Matt Crane Verified customer
President HRI Facebook Automotive Sales Division
"I am a new member to Alex's Social Media Mastery Class. I, like so many other entrepreneurs and individuals alike understand the power and necessity of Social Media; however, with so many people to choose from the noise could get loud when looking for guidance. What stood out to me the most with Alex was two things. (1) His organic belief system in engagemen..." Read more
5 years ago

Steven Sent Verified customer
Kichler Lighting
"I have followed Alex on #periscope and Twitter for about a year now! I owe a huge amount of my success on social media to Alex, because he has opened my eyes to the enormous possibilities social media can do for a person to connect and engage with people and make the world a better place to live in for each of us no matter where we all live!Than you Alex for..." Read more
5 years ago

Nkechi Ajaeroh Verified customer
Nkechi Ajaeroh, MPH
"Alex was of the first people I started following here on periscope, I have been implementing his tips and tricks and, it’s amazing how much I have grown from doing the things he told us to do. His phenomenal periscope tips provided a great foundation for me to start scoping, and I am very appreciative of that. I really do personally love and respect Mr. Alex..." Read more
5 years ago

Talha Hassan Verified customer
"I was invited to Alex's scope through Brain Franzo "iSocialFanz". He is an inspiration himself, if you are new and want to grow your business online. "AK" Alex Khan is the person to consult and follow #Wekhan."
5 years ago

Justin Barkdull Verified customer
"Alex has been far and above any help and advise I have gotten online. He has responded to EVERY email and question that I have asked him. Alex has also given me shoutouts on his live broadcast. He realizes that value and relationship building is key and has made me more aware of this as well.I have implemented many of his tip and tricks aldready, have joined..." Read more
5 years ago

Vivi Schmidt Verified customer
CEO vivischmidt.de
"Great Guy with great ideas and content. Alex tips and tricks are golden. He create a worldwide audience and gives US a chance to be a part..thank you!"
5 years ago

Cheryl Collins Verified customer
Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide
"Alex Khan definitely earns the title "Social Media Mentor & Strategist." He shares his years of social media experience, along with business insights to his followers and those willing to listen. His proven success of "tips and techniques" offered, especially on Periscope, have assisted me in approaching Periscope from a different perspective. I am honored t..." Read more
5 years ago

Francina Harrison Verified customer
The Career Engineer
"When it comes to social intelligence, proof positive brand visibility, uncommon biz intellect/wisdom and 21st century organic community engagement...there is NO ONE better than Alex Khan! His Periscope/Twitter/Snapchat/IG/Facebook persona is beyond powerful (a reach that major corporations would KILL for) and Alex has created a worldwide audience that "know,..." Read more
5 years ago

Becky Farias Verified customer
Hilton Grand Vacations
"Alex has taught me how to cross promote, gain followers, engage, increase viewership, market on social media, try new platforms, and realize that there is actually technique involved to grow social media. By following his simple processes the results are tangible. My Persicope following grew from 500 to 3500 in 5 months. My total views per snap on snapchat f..." Read more
5 years ago

Michael Biggins Verified customer
"In a world of endless online self proclaimed social media experts, gurus, marketers, publicists, promoters, and everyone yelling, "look at me!" Alex takes the opposite approach and shines his very bright and very humanitarian light on YOU. He's a giver, willing to share both his successes & his bloopers in real time in order to help you out because he sees t..." Read more
5 years ago

Gary Karr Verified customer
World Food Programme
"Alex shares great content that he creates, but even more importantly, he helps others do their best with their own content. He's helped me create a better individual brand for me and inspired me to help others. There's no more valuable member of the social media/live streaming community than Alex Khan."
5 years ago

Sarika Mohabir Verified customer
"I stumbled upon Alex on periscope, almost by accident. He certainly lives up to his impressive reputation and is the best in delivering great content on creating a successful social media presence. Thank you for encouraging me...and many others to hit "start broadcast""
5 years ago
"Alex hat mit seinem Team unsere Erwartungen übertroffen. Wir sehen täglich neue Leads durch unsere Social Media Kanäle und freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit in 2019."
5 years ago