Manu De Soomer Verified customer
founder/photographer, motorsportspics.com
Ghislain De Grave Verified customer
General director, Autorama NV
"Excellent introduction and learning proces on how to create and use a chatbox. Complete package of support and instruction videos. A "must do" for every businessman/woman. Thank jou Dominique and Sven."
4 years ago
Marleen Hofman Verified customer
Oprichter, Venga
"Excellent. Good introduction in chatbots and best service after."
4 years ago
Sloth The Bot Verified customer
Virtuele assistent, Inter Fitness Center
"An efficiënt way to learn about chatbot. In 7 weeks an excellent tool to keep in touch with your clients or members. Thanks both of you, Sven and Dominique"
4 years ago

🤖 Dominique Dejonghe ≡ Verified customer
Guest Conductor, Pensato
"This is such a great way to learn about chatbots and create your own!"
4 years ago
"In short, because I could go on and on about why a chatbot is kick ass! For me it takes care of all my Q&A's and saves me sooo much time. It generates connection with my clients and delivers direct sales. Today, it's my best marketing tool!"
4 years ago