CBOI Lifewave X39 Reviews & Testimonials

4.9 (70)

Reviews: 70


100% of customers would recommend CBOI Lifewave X39

Lily Choung star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I twisted my ankle the other day; I used the X39… now I can run without any problem. I felt my throat was tight and dry for almost a month I used X39 for a day and it went away. My lip colour also looks prettier and my dance performance has improved a lot."

4 months ago

Don Collins star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I’m now addicted to X39… My energy level is through the roof. My scars are much lighter X39 gives me more pain relief than IceWave. You’ve created the greatest patch to date. You’re going to have a hard time holding people off. I told my wife Sandy I thought my hair was growing in places I didn’t have hair. Something else I’m much calmer and less stressed. I..." Read more

4 months ago

Thomas E. Burke star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Having been in a serious auto accident in October of 2017 sustaining two herniated discs in my neck pressing on nerves with another two in my lumbar. After going through seven months of therapy it was determined that I had reached a plateau and that epidurals and surgery were the options. LW patches reduced my pain levels to a less severe level. Thank goodne..." Read more

4 months ago

Siegfried Wölfl star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I had three wonderful experiences so far with clients: Athlete while jogging in the forest sprained his ankle and patched X-39 on the swelling on the ankle and was pain-free after 20 seconds after 30 minutes the swelling had completely disappeared and my friend was able to fully put weight on his foot up to this day. My sales partner Dagmar came to me for a..." Read more

4 months ago

Sarah Chen star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I had problems with my teeth. I used X39 for 3 days and already two of these teeth have healed. After 7 days of X39, the pain from this problem was all gone. I believe I have just saved a huge amount of money on dental work."

4 months ago

Pernille Knudtzon star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Healing curve is faster! For 6 months I have had right knee trouble, some menisci issues, really painful and a lot of swelling. It was getting better slowly with less pain and less swelling. I put the X39 patch directly on the knee and I can verify that it is a lot better and healing curve is faster. After 2 weeks, the pain had eased off and I could put more..." Read more

4 months ago

Pilar Heinrich star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Wow wow wow. I am very excited to see what happens in my body in the next months! My skin is tighter around my body and I have much more flexibility. The X39 is repairing old injuries. I had a spinal disc herniation C4 for about 20 years I feel how the X39 is working on that - my body is changing. I have an underactive thyroid function. My thyroid is swellin..." Read more

4 months ago

Jim L star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Doctor was amazed at how quickly I was healing. On June 30th I had an accident which caused a deep laceration on my left shin. It required 10 stitches on the outside and 2 on the inside. The Dr. said “your one lucky dude you just missed the nerve by a hair.” It was about a 3-inch laceration and I could visually see my shin bone. Yes not for the faint of hear..." Read more

4 months ago

Michael Kongsbak Jonasson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"On Saturday I stepped on a small nail; it went 12 mm into my right foot. This really bugged me as I had a football match scheduled for the next day at 12.00. I got help cleaning the wound and dressed it with a band aid. I stacked an X39 patch onto the band aid. Within 60 sec. the pain was almost gone and I was able to walk normally. and now 18 hours later I..." Read more

4 months ago

Nikki star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Fast Healing. A stubborn ear lobe piercing infection I've had since January that I haven't been able to fully heal it even with antibiotics and other natural remedies - is almost FULLY healed now. The scar tissue from my belly button piercing from over ten years ago seems to be disappearing as well."

4 months ago

Gitti Siwatz star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Two years ago I had a surgery in my face and I also got very intensive radiotherapy. Since that time, the scar tissue did not allow me to turn my head to the left and to the right side as normal. I was limited there. Even after a lot of medical lymph drainages, this problem still existed. I tried the X39 for only 10 days and this problem is totally gone now...." Read more

4 months ago

Karen Schmidt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I have used the X39 patch for a week and have experienced amazing results! The benefit that excites me most is that my knees aren’t aching from osteoarthritis. This has made it so much easier to exercise because I am not dreading the pain that normally came with it. The other noticeable benefit is the sense of calmness that I have experienced while using the..." Read more

4 months ago

Angie star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Within a few minutes his pain was gone. My Dad has been getting shots in his knees monthly for about 6 months now (due to arthritis). He normally sits in the front of their store doing computer work because he is in too much pain to walk the store or help customers. He put a patch on his knee this afternoon and within a few minutes he was loading furniture i..." Read more

4 months ago

Lisa Pitl star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I've had problems with my meniscus every now and then. 5 weeks ago it was really bad. When walking, sitting, and especially when sleeping, when both knees were on top of each other, I was in pain. I stuck Glutathione and Aeon on the knee for 4 weeks without much success. The pain was a little less but not much. Half an hour after I had patched X39, my pain w..." Read more

4 months ago

Deb Wood-Schade star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"The first day I received it I had just finished a very rigorous 50-mile bike ride and I had strained my right knee to the point where I couldn’t put my weight on it all the way - I was limping. So I immediately put a patch on and I was thinking to myself gosh I wonder how long this is going to take to recover from and to my surprise the very next day I was a..." Read more

4 months ago

Steve Haltiwanger star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"A doctor friend of mine stopped by my home yesterday with his wife. He has had 5 surgeries on his right knee and he stays in constant pain despite numerous attempts at medication including regular pain clinic visits. So I took one of my supply of X39 and placed it medially on his right knee. He had an amazed look and said that the pain was a bit less within..." Read more

4 months ago

Angie star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I woke up around 6 am with a migraine. I took migraine medicine and went back to bed. Around 8 am my head was still hurting… to the point that I could no longer lay there. I got up and put on one of the X39 patches. Within a matter of seconds, my headache was gone! I was so impressed by this that as soon as my husband got up I told him. He said, 'my shoulder..." Read more

4 months ago

Terrence McGrath star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I have been using the patches for about 35 days and I am amazed with the performance. The X39 patch is restoring feeling to my feet! I have had progressive neuropathy for over 25 years to the point I could barely feel my hand touching my skin anywhere forward of my ankle. On the sole of my foot, I could feel nothing. A month ago today, I can feel gentle touc..." Read more

4 months ago

Olivka Magita star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I've been dealing with autoimmune issues since 2021 with red hot itchy and painful skin flares on my hands, neck, face, and under my breasts. January and February 2024 were particularly tough and I hardly left the house. I started using the X39 patches at the end of February and now, six weeks later, I've had no more skin flares. If one does start, it calms..." Read more

4 months ago

Wendy van Dort star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"After my shoulder operation 11 years ago, I started experiencing shaking in my right hand, which was likely due to a block put in my neck for the anaesthetic. I have also struggled with anxiety and Menieure's disease for four years, which later changed to PPPV. As a result, I have to do Audiovestibular exercises daily. Five weeks ago, Theo introduced me to t..." Read more

4 months ago