Dianne Verified customer
Mila Verified customer
"Am very interested in investing in commercial instead of residential Yes, I enjoyed the webinar, lots to learn I would like to re-book please Thanks so much James"
5 years ago
Jan Davies Verified customer
"I thought the webinar was fabulous. I am in the process of selling my home and will downsize so expect to have some money to invest. I was looking at buying a rental but will definitely investigate the commercial aspect now."
5 years ago
Kit Chow Verified customer
"Enjoyed the webinar, good information. A lot to think about now."
5 years ago

Genevieve Verified customer
"Hello James, I found it really refreshing to hear a genuine Aussie presenter, with real examples and info, rather than the "slick" course purveyors who abound! You covered all the basics in simple terms. I so hope I can learn from you."
5 years ago
Joanne Verified customer
"I loved it! I'm hoping to become a member of your great community... Look forward to hearing from you!"
5 years ago
Mick Verified customer
"Mate couldnt have come at a better time. Just got smashed in a deal i had under option. I own resi but i want to secure my future now and this is it the way forward to leave my job, Great stuff"
5 years ago

Cedric and Kirsten Verified customer
"Relaxed confident presentation. Informative and easy to understand."
5 years ago
eva Verified customer
"I found the webinar very interesting, even though I'm in a totally different market in Europe, I learned a lot from this session already, and am looking into the benefits of the full course. Many thanks already for this solid intro!"
5 years ago
Madeleine Verified customer
"Great ideas to go back to com. inv. I love your Syd. mix use dev. One of my res. prop.(5Km from Mel.CBD) just been rezoned. It’s a beau. corner prop. of over 1000m2 a mix of com. and res. Can do 1 or 2 Lev. base.+ 3 Lev. + VIEW !! IDEAS ??"
5 years ago
Jenni Verified customer
"Unfortunately did not get to the end but found the information very thought provoking"
5 years ago
Barry Trewin Verified customer
"The webinar was very informative and opened my mind to different possibilities to build a secure future for my family and even be able to help others"
5 years ago
Annie Verified customer
"Great webinar and thoroughly enjoyed the style of presentation. Not too much hype which was good. I am in the process of downsizing so just looking at possibilities but not ready to move yet. Turned 7 houses in my time but no commercial."
5 years ago
"Hi James, Was so refreshing to listen to someone who has honest experience in that field of investing. Only disappointment is that I don't get to do the course interview with you personally."
5 years ago