Joshua Leewarner Verified customer
Fretwork Security Advisors
Darryl Crowe Verified customer
Computer Support Team
"CSOL program is an amazing program. Each and every class assisted with my work allowing me to relate a real-life experience in the field to each subject of study. The instructors were amazing and extremely helpful in multiple ways: study guidance and clarification and even assistance with job-related advice. The program was an experience that will never be f..." Read more
3 years ago
Keith Anderson Verified customer
Strategic Cybersecurity Solutions
"I successfully completed the USD MSCOL program in May 2020. During my time there, I have had the privilege of learning from a phenomenal teaching staff and deep-diving into so many leadership, process, and technology-related topics, many of which seamlessly flow over into my everyday business-as-usual activities with work. The online asynchronous format of..." Read more
3 years ago
"Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out in the cybersecurity industry, I would highly recommend considering the University of San Diego's CSOL program. The topics covered in this curriculum will expand your industry knowledge and thrust you into current issues that are affecting today's technology infrastructure. Beyond the knowledge, ho..." Read more
3 years ago