Ryan Caro Verified customer
HR Manager, FOCUS Direct, Inc.
Kristoffer Oñate Verified customer
Queue Specialist, Focus Direct Inc.
"The seminar gave me a new perspective on things on how to deal with AWOL cases and things to avoid more problems."
4 years ago
Lyra Mahinay Verified customer
Focus Direct Inc.
"This webinar/seminar is so helpful and useful!!!"
4 years ago
Janna Gulfan Verified customer
Director of Operations, Focus Direct Inc.
"Very engaging! Learned a lot! Thank you, Atty. Zagala!"
4 years ago
Renilisa Basa Verified customer
HR Liaison officer, Focus Direct, Inc
4 years ago
Tin Alisen Verified customer
WFM, Focus Inc
"We learned a lot about the seminar since we have struggled with AWOL currently. Thanks, Attorney."
4 years ago
Sherryl Sinay Verified customer
Project Director, Focus Direct
"Very informative and I learned a lot of processes with dealing AWOL issues."
4 years ago
arnold samson Verified customer
Supervising Manpower Dev't Officer, City Government of Tarlac
"It's an eye opener for the things to be done for ourselves and in our workplace... Great Job Ms. Anne!"
4 years ago
Engr Arnold G Samson Verified customer
Supervising manpower development officer, City Government of Tarlac
"Great topics it seves its purpose and applicable to our workpkace the speaker have a sense of humor and delivers well its presentations"
4 years ago
Wilfredo Toldanes Verified customer
Senior Tourism Operations Officer, City Govt of Tarlac
"Excellent i've learned a lot for my self improvement"
4 years ago
Roland S. Domingo Verified customer
City Accountant, City Govt of Tarlac
"Perfect seminar and till next time. Godbless!"
4 years ago
Mina C. Tañedo Verified customer
Department Head, City Government of Tarlac
"I have learned so much. Thank you for being a channel od learning! Thank you so much!"
4 years ago
Ar. Eduardo Quintrro, EnP Verified customer
CPDC, City Government of Tarlac
"Very informative and inspiring."
4 years ago
Armin Leonardo. Ibarra Verified customer
City Civil Registrar, City Government of Tarlac
"Very much informative, relavant & appropriate topics were discussed. Very good speaker. Thank you!"
4 years ago
Augusto Sicangco Bautista Jr. Verified customer
City Population Officer, Popcom/City Government of Tarlac
"I have learned to value myself, my job and workplace, the people around me and appreciate everything I have today"
4 years ago
Lorina Victorio Ledesma Verified customer
Head- Business Permit & Licensing Office, City Government of Tarlac
"All topics discussed were relevant and well explained. Great Talk."
4 years ago
Noel M. Soliman Verified customer
City Veterinarian, Tarlac City Government
"We enjoyed and we learned alot. Hoping that we still have some sequels 😊👍"
4 years ago
Engr. Robert C. Diola Verified customer
DILG Officer, City Government of Tarlac
"So helpful in managing stress. Thank you so much mam"
4 years ago
Joselito castro Verified customer
City legal officer, Lgu-tarlac city
4 years ago
Romeo J. De Leon Verified customer
Budget Officer, LGU-Tarlac City
"Excellent training. 'Learned a lot!"
4 years ago
Carolyn Serrano Verified customer
CSWDO head, City Government of Tarlac
"Very inspiring and educational"
4 years ago

BrianBernadette Escalona Verified customer
"The training feels very comfortable. Very spontaneous yet very educational and informative."
4 years ago
Godfrey Dominic L. Aquino Verified customer
POSO Chief, LGU Tarlac City
"Excellent. I always learn something everytime Ms. Anne is our speaker. Thank you Mam Anne."
4 years ago
Maureen Inocencio Clemente Verified customer
City Information Officer, City Government of Tarlac
"The discussion is very informative, detailed, relevant and helpful. The speaker understands our needs and have given practicL insights"
4 years ago
Ma Carmela Go Verified customer
City Health Officer, Tarlac Cuty LGU
"The seminar was enlightening and will be of great help to our department"
4 years ago
"Absolutely amazing & enlightening workshop. Atty. Zag and Ms. Anne Flores gave us wonderful techniques that we can use in our practice"
4 years ago