Heaven Bible Study Reviews & Testimonials

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Endorsal Reviews: 4


100% of Endorsal users would recommend Heaven Bible Study

  4 verified testimonials
  5/5 average rating

Rosemarie Baghurst star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Hi here, It was an incredible privilege and honor to be present for the the filming last week. I am so excited for this study. When Jennifer said, "We've spent all week in 1 Corinthians 15" then I thought - I can hardly wait for that study! :) My favourite sessions was 3. For one reason it was where we were sat, so close to see and hear her (I am short..." Read more

3 months ago

Cindy McLaughlin star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Thank you so much for inviting me. Jennifer, you did an amazing job. These are the 2 things I have shared that God whispered in my heart. 1. The weight of God - God is waiting with open arms for me to come home. To hug me, love me and for me to be with Him forever. 2. Wait on the LORD - wait well, on God alone & walk by faith, don’t give up. My play on word..." Read more

3 months ago

Janet Wstson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I was there for Weds taping. I was reminded that our life here is brief and I need to number my days. Also loved the statement that as wonderful as heaven will be, Jesus is our greatest reward!"

4 months ago

Rose Pierre star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Hello Jennifer, Just wanted to stop by to tell you it was a pleasure attending the Bible study and I was really touched. After attending the bible study, I can say I have a different view of what heaven is and why is it I want to go there. I am super excited to do that study when it comes out! To everyone I highly recommend doing the study because it wil..." Read more

4 months ago