UNNATI KANAUJIA Verified customer

Daiwik Saha/Tapan Saha Verified customer
Grade 4, Faridabad
"It was good and I got my problems solved. The questions were up to standard and challenging. As I appeared first time in a negative marking exam it was challenging for me but I did not hesitate to mark the answer.After getting the result I realized how important is competitive exam. I would love to take more exams in coming years."
5 years ago

ARYAN PORWAL Verified customer
5 years ago

Kathakali Mishra Verified customer
Class - 10/Ref. No. 25398, Haldia
"This type of online examination will surely boost and develope one's educatiinal career. My experience is excellent."
5 years ago

Aarav Arya Verified customer
Class 8th, Navi Mumbai
"I always love to face competitive exams. I'm very thankful to my Uncle for informing me about this Exam. I would like to thank ISTSE scholarship exam that motivates us to learn new things and to do better each time. I had attempted this online exam for the first time and the provision was quite good. I'm grateful for the mock tests which helped us to unders..." Read more
5 years ago

Prardhana Verified customer
Eight, Thiruvanathapuram
"It was a good platform for students who are appearing in competitive exams ,we have practised through different types of questions that are very informative and logically challenging Thank you so much for giving our kid such a platform"
5 years ago

Vani sharma/ ravi sharma Verified customer
2nd, India, uttarpradesh,meerut
"Good, platform is superb"
5 years ago

Pragyan Ghosh Verified customer
1, Durgapur
"It is very good platform for the children to appear the high standrad talent search examination ."
5 years ago

Parth mundra Verified customer
8th, indore
"it is exellent work you all are doing and it is very useful for us as we all learn from this and i was shocked to see that this exam is from my home. Thank You for this amazing work"
5 years ago

Agasthya Sekar Verified customer
Grade 3, India
"Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to take up such an intelligent, challenging competition, i especially appreciated the emphasis of using AI to encourage moral attributes. I look forward to other such competitions by your capable team, for which i wish to work harder and score more"
5 years ago

Ahan Santra Verified customer
Standard 2, Bangalore
"This is first time I had participated online competitive examination. I feel very happy the way it is organized. Thank You ISTSE for giving us such opportunity."
5 years ago

Akshat Gupta/Navlesh Kumar Verified customer
6, Babrala,Uttar Pradesh
"It's a good opportunity for students to explore themselves at home comfort."
5 years ago

Sadiya Maheen Siddiqui Verified customer
9th, Secunderabad
"I'm very delighted to be a part of the ISTSE Examination. ISTSE was a platform where I had discovered my hidden talents.We were provided 3 mock tests before taking the actual exam.The after-exam report provided by ISTSE Organization was given in detail where students could understand their strong and weak points.Summing up,I am very happy and satisfied by at..." Read more
5 years ago

ARSHIL SAINI Verified customer
class VII, INDIA
"It was a great initiative by Indian School of Talent Search, It boosts up our energy power & mental ability & gives us confidence . So i Appreciate & motivate all teens in their Age Group to join & give this istse exam"
5 years ago

AYAAN SAIYED Verified customer
Class 3, India
"I like this exam in compare to others.very tricky questions with negative marking.it increasing our strong decision power.i like to recommend fr each kids."
5 years ago

Ashwani Pandey Verified customer
9th, India
"This is really an appriciatable exams.By giving this exam we can we are able to test our talent"
5 years ago

Sidra Dureen Verified customer
3, India
"It is an excellent platform for kids to compete with brilliant young minds across the world. It offers exposure to the cutting edge competitive environment."
5 years ago

Sai Charan Ajjarapu Verified customer
10, Hyderabad
"This is the second time I have attempted this exam and found it very very interesting. Highly genuine exam with challenging questions, AI-Based exam monitoring, complete performance report with question wise analysis, Ontime technical support made this exam exceptional among all online exams. I am very much thankful to ISTSE for conducting such exams and eag..." Read more
5 years ago

Harshini Reddy G Verified customer
9, Bangalore
"I enjoyed the test. It was my first time with ISTSE. Good opportunity for testing our own knowledge and self realization. Not to be missed."
5 years ago

Surendra Prasad Verified customer
4, Alwar
"It's really excellent platform. I really enjoyed the level of exam."
5 years ago

Bhavya Anil Verified customer
Class 7, Alappuzha
"It was the first time to appeared this exam. Excellent experience."
5 years ago

Arihant roy Verified customer
3, Kolkata
"it's really very appreciable , this gives a sense of achievement to the child"
5 years ago

HITANSH WADHWA Verified customer
"This is a great platform for all the students to enhance their knowledge and evaluate it on digital platform. One of the best online Olympiad in country"
5 years ago

Adinath A. P Verified customer
Class 1, Alappuzha
"Excellent experience through this exam."
5 years ago

Daivik Gadidala Verified customer
3rd, Hyderabad
"Students are getting more opportunities to learn"
5 years ago
"This is exam which tests students conceptual ability and skills on various subjects and I enjoyed the exam"
5 years ago