satya Verified customer
Sr Investment Advisor, TNT Surveillance Pte Ltd, Singapore

Vishal Kudmethe Verified customer
Founder & CEO, Financial Store, India
"With Classical technical analysis failing and even trend line trading falling on the face I was striving for knowledge, my thirst and pursuit of clear crisp and accurate knowledge found solace here with Kedianomics! Sushil Sir dives deep every weekend to find the gems . I wish I could give 7 Stars!!"
5 years ago

Samant Rae Verified customer
"Absolutely stunning message and delivered in way such that one gets to learn fishing, rather than just open mouth and eat one spoon.🙏"
5 years ago

Siddharth Gupta Verified customer
"Insights provided in the webinars are priceless. They dont just provide the buy/sell recommendation, rather they help us in understanding the rational behind the recommended actions."
5 years ago

Hiren Verified customer
"Amazing skill, knowledge and expertise on the subject. Sushil Ji is very dedicated and has tremendous insights"
5 years ago

Sachinmehra Verified customer
Proprietor, Vrsm trader, Delhi
"Sushil sir is always amazing ..a unique master"
5 years ago

Ashish Bangad Verified customer
"As per mythology Dronacharya was the greatest GURU and hence we have the Dronacharya Award similarly in stock markets Susheel sir is our Dronacharya, in short HE IS THE BEST"
5 years ago

Omprakash Mantri Verified customer
CEO, Om Manufacturing Jalna Pvt Ltd, India
"Sushil Kedia’s- KEDIANOMICS is really awesome learning and analytical WEBINAR on Indian Stock Markets,World Market , FX. I gave benefitted a lot from Kedianomics Webinar in last 8-10 weeks. The Stock picks is just on time to make money. Would Highly Recommend to subscribe annual Subscription."
5 years ago

Hareesh D Verified customer
"Fatherly approach towards the subscribers (extended public family) and motherly care about the technicals and investments...that's Sushil Kedia Sir"
5 years ago

Uday Gunta Verified customer
"Best learnings to be a successful trader n amazing hits on swing trades. Infact a perfect economics for market players...."
5 years ago

Jagannath Dwivedy Verified customer
Jagannath Dwivedy, JIC, India
"It seems Mr. Kedia dedication to work is not less than 24 hrs a day. Otherwise how could can a person be so bluntly precise."
5 years ago

Ashish Bangad Verified customer
Ashish Bangad,Chartered Acoountants, India
"I do not have enough words to show my gratitude towards Susheel Sir, his reading,his knowledge, his wit and his passion for and about the markets and life is simply amazing, with each Webinar he is setting the standard very high and the best part it is he is surpassing it week on week, thank you sir"
5 years ago

Saumil Verified customer
"This is unlike the usual stereotype so called market wizards seen across the streets giving trading calls and the herds following them blindly. There is serious effort and reason given behind market views on indices or stocks or trends. I don’t think I’ve seen something like this in the past 20yrs�"
5 years ago

Sachin mehra Verified customer
Founder, Vrsm trader, Delhi India
"Very interesting and learning session..love u sir"
5 years ago

Rohit Drolia Verified customer
Founder, Drolia & Co, India
"The entire experience was very cool and free flowing. More of a family feeling. Liked it :)"
5 years ago

Amit Trehan Verified customer
Amit Trehan, Trehan Investing, India
"Markets decoded in Totality."
5 years ago

Gurpreet Singh Chawla Verified customer
Founder, Singh Sunil & Sudheer, Delhi
"Sushilji is excellent at reading of charts, with a higher number of hits."
5 years ago

Vipin Verified customer
"If you want to change your trading psychology and learn risk management look no where else. This subscription is my best Learning investment."
5 years ago

Gururaja Verified customer
Founder, Professional, Chennai
"The webinar’s are good. Pl suggest some courses or books on Elliott wave theory."
5 years ago

NILESH SHETH Verified customer
"It's always exciting to listen to you Sushilji. You are the most honest stock analyst / Chartist I have seen so far."
5 years ago

Gaurav Pandya
"Being a part of capital market since last 14 years, I have always look forward to get associated with some of the market gurus or/and learning platforms. Fortunately, at Kedianomics I have got both. It will not only show you how to make money but become pro at it. I am glad to be a part of this group."
5 years ago
Google review

Gaurav Pandya
"Being a part of capital market since last 14 years, I have always look forward to get associated with some of the market gurus or/and learning platforms. Fortunately, at Kedianomics I have got both. It will not only show you how to make money but become pro at it. I am glad to be a part of this group."
5 years ago
Google review

Gaurav Pandya Verified customer
Founder & Managing Partner, GREENBACK CAPITAL LLP, Mumbai, India
"Being a part of capital market since last 14 years, I have always look forward to get associated with some of the market gurus or/and learning platforms. Fortunately, at Kedianomics I have got both. It will not only show you how to make money but become pro at it. I am glad to be a part of this grp"
5 years ago

Kunal Vikram Nopany Verified customer
NA, India
"Have been following Kedianomics twitter and CNBC discussion. The analysis is spot on. I am hooked."
5 years ago

PRASANTA ADHIKARI Verified customer
Practioner, Advocate, India
"I saw Mr. Kedia on cnbc chanel 1st in the year 2007, since then I like his statement, he & also his speech is totally diferent from others, I alwayes like his valuable statementđź’–"
5 years ago
"Excellent Person and Great advisor more than that he will stick to his words, advise that is very less people have, Thank you sir for guiding us"
4 years ago