439 verified testimonials
5/5 average rating
"I really like the ability to set up each chapter and bounce around. LSF has shed some light on where the missing gaps are hiding."
4 years ago
Dr. David Alves
"I have been a long-time user of Scrivener--actually, since its inception. This course has fine-tuned and expedited my understanding and grasp of the Scrivener software. Now my time isn't spent trying to hunt things down and understand what used to be chaos for me. I get my work done!!"
4 years ago
Linda Maurer
"Before going through LSF I could use Scrivener for writing but wasn't using it to its full potential and accessing all of its features. Now I have a much better feel for how to tap the full capabilities of the software for organizing information, pulling in research, and compiling to suit my publishing needs."
4 years ago
Donte McNeal
" After taking this course I’m getting more done. I’m able to research faster, and reference it quicker, thanks to the Evernote tricks. I’m excited, because I’ve been researching deities for a demigod story and I feel I’ve been able to lay the groundwork quicker."
4 years ago
Danielle Fetherson
"Before taking your course and learning Scrivener I managed email and blog posts in separate platforms. Now I can write them in one place quickly and it’s easier to make connections between the messages."
4 years ago
Nikki Wright
"I like how you've broken the Scrivener tutorials down into videos about 1-1/2 minutes, with a few exceptions. That has been great."
4 years ago
"Before going through Learn Scrivener fast I knew basic functionalities, and not much else. I'm now much more organized and looking forward to writing. I've been able to write more and stay motivated to write since Scrivener doesn't seem so intimidating."
4 years ago
Carol Brodtrick
"Before taking this course I was nowhere. Always confused about how to do what and always giving up and going back to Word, which is where I began and feel comfortable writing. However, I am writing more now. I am journaling most every day and working in Scrivener every day, learning and importing files from Word or Docs so I have my book manuscript and short..." Read more
4 years ago
Rob Adamson
"I did not know the software much at all before taking this course. Now, I feel more confident in using it for future projects. It's amazing what you can do when you know how!"
4 years ago
Rick D.
"I first started using Scrivener about 3 years ago. I have outlined several projects, but I did not feel comfortable with how to use it. After going through this course, I now have been able to generate most of a rough draft of a relatively large new project. I now have the confidence that I can go back and refine and finish many of my previous projects that..." Read more
4 years ago
Ric Joyner
"I'm surprised how comprehensive this program really is for the price."
4 years ago
Mark Baker
"Before taking this course I never understood how to use the Scrivener cork board effectively and now I have no idea how I managed before without it."
4 years ago
Ruth Shively
"Using Scrivener is easier to learn than I expected! Learning Scrivener through the manual just wasn’t enough. I needed someone to walk me through it. Thanks for being that person!"
4 years ago
"I love that the Scrivener tutorials are broken up into short, specific segments. "
4 years ago
Mary Rosewood
"Before: Grumpy person sitting at computer wondering where to start. After: Delighted person looking at the beautiful details added to Scrivener to make it all mine (love the icon choices! love the corkboard with index cards!) and ready to dive in after importing notes to help me finish my writing 3 projects."
4 years ago
Dwayne Walker
"This course has been a great way to get an easy-to-understand self-paced overview of the Scrivener software."
4 years ago
Debby Detering
"I love the 3-minute lessons; it makes pacing so much easier, since I don't have to search through a long one to find something I need to repeat."
4 years ago
Judi Wildfeuer
"This training has definitely helped me to configure Scrivener in a way that works for me. Looking forward to the sections & bonus section on research."
4 years ago
Ann Lewis
"I was lost before I took your course. Everything you teach are actionable steps to ensure I have the best chance to succeed. Thank you deeply."
4 years ago
Gaylia Taylor
"I took a Scrivener class before your tutorial and walked out of class totally confused. With your guidance and instruction, I have a better understanding of the capabilities of Scrivener and how to reach my goals."
4 years ago
Les Howard Verified customer
"I have a love and not so much love relationship with Scrivener. It is great and it is complex. However, Joseph’s course has allowed me to (repeatedly) go through aspects of the course that are relevant to me at that particular time. It is thorough, practical and well worth the investment of time and money."
4 years ago
Taylor Nieland
"I had no idea what I was doing with Scrivener and knew it was important to get some training right away. I was using Word previously, and my notes were a mess. I had sticky-notes everywhere too! With Scrivener, and with the help from your training, I’m having a MUCH easier time keeping my thoughts organized, which had allowed me to be much more consistent an..." Read more
4 years ago
Gail Ann Swales
""I had stalled out trying to learn Scrivener by reading the three inch thick manual. Zzzzz! Love your to-the-point videos and screen shots. Thank you so much for teaching me how to use this wonderful tool.""
4 years ago
Steve Gulsvig
"I created a "dummy" project in order to follow along with every lesson. I am not writing more yet, but I'm getting comfortable in the driver's seat and it draws me to the act of using Scrivener daily. In essence, it's helping me create a writing habit."
4 years ago
"After going through LSF I have set up a number of projects - and a schedule with plans on accomplishing more."
4 years ago
Endorsal review