Judi Little Verified customer

Chloe Leow Verified customer
"Finally, I've found a non-traditional method that works best with the modern generation of young kids. I've taught my daughter and she loves it so much, she would even bring her practice to the bathtub, using water as her imaginary piano!"
4 years ago

Shoreline Music Lessons Verified customer
Shoreline Music Lessons
"Working with Andrew through the Success Training For Official Musicolor School/Studio Owners has changed my life! This guy is the real deal - every music teacher or entrepreneur interested in early childhood piano instruction needs this!"
5 years ago

Anne Vardanega Verified customer
Get in the Groove
"The Musicolor Method has transformed the way I teach. My students thrive with this innovative curriculum. The students learn about music in a fun & creative way!"
5 years ago

Beatriz Castello Branco Verified customer
New Zealand
"These method is really intuitive and fun for me and my students. I can see that they pretty much learn and grow almost by themselves. I like it because it doesn't go straight to note reading but builds ear training and finger dexterity"
3 years ago

Daphne Verified customer
United States
"I got a piano last year. musicolor method helped me learn."
3 years ago

Wendy Burke Verified customer
"I find the music color method to be perfect for the very young beginner who wants to read and make music."
3 years ago

Kimberly Alschlager Verified customer
"Im using the color method to teach my 6 and 7 year old boys piano. They love it!"
3 years ago

Mia Wooldridge Verified customer
"I am teaching my 3-year-old grandson to play, and the Music Color method is PERFECT! He learned the 1st song by matching the dots and speaking the rhythm of the song. I love the accessibility to the videos as well as Andrew’s warmth."
3 years ago
Evan Verified customer
"Musicolor Method teaches skills in a stress free fun way. It really is amazing. My daughter loves to practice using the colors. Thank you Andrew for such a wonderful creation."
4 years ago

Bianca Verified customer
"I think it's simple enough for my 7 year old. She's very motivated and moving fast. I've tried the colors method but with actual notes and it was just too overwhelming for her. This is a much simpler version of that and agreat foundation"
4 years ago

Ida Marie Cusi Verified customer
"Easy to understand. Great material for my 4 year old :)"
4 years ago

Alesea Verified customer
United States
"Very good"
4 years ago

Pablo Verified customer
United States
"Very good"
4 years ago

Debra Verified customer
"Great method for young children."
5 years ago
Jill Verified customer
"It is going well. My son has Down syndrome and is pre-literate. I have been looking for a method like this for a while for him. I was absolutely thrilled when I found it."
5 years ago

Linda L Verified customer
"Your book has already benefitted my youngest student! She is 5, on about a 1st grade reading level, and was struggling with traditional beginner series methods. I incorporated colors as a pre-reading skill, and it totally clicked with her! The Musicolor method has become the vehicle we both needed to get her music skills grounded and lay a good foundation wi..." Read more
5 years ago

Erika S Verified customer
"We are enjoying your books! My son is in the second book already after just 4 months. He feels very successful."
5 years ago
Melody F Verified customer
"I am really enjoying your books and your style of teaching!"
5 years ago

Ovidio Verified customer
"When my daughter was born, I had this dream that I wanted my daughter to play music. Since she turned 5, I have been trying to teach her, but I don't know anything about how to teach piano, and I know even less about teaching to kids. Nevertheless, I tried to teach her Mary had a Little Lamb, only to end in frustration on my self because I can't show her how..." Read more
5 years ago

Ellie B Verified customer
"I love your Musicolor Method and so do my students and parents! I have tripled the number I students I teach!"
5 years ago

Ana Verified customer
"Good. Very instructional."
5 years ago

Georges Cordoba Verified customer
United States
"It is a wonderful way to introduce my 4-year-old grandson. Today was his first lesson. We had 10 minutes of pure fun tracing his hands on his new book, coloring the keys C to G and his right-hand fingernails."
5 years ago

Ana Verified customer
United Arab Emirates
"Absolutely amazing way to teach little children how to play piano"
5 years ago

Ana Montenegro Verified customer
"I love this method. I started it with my 3 year old and it amazes me how intuitive it is for them. They are playing from day 1."
5 years ago
"Thank you so much. I found your site by accident after searching for a way to teach my granddaughter to play her keyboard. I was turned down by every teacher I called. Today we learned “what’s your favourite ice-cream?” And she has been playing all afternoon. Annabel is 3 and the sense of achievement is unbelievable. She is smiling from ear to ear."
3 years ago