164 verified testimonials
4.8/5 average rating

Joey Welch Verified customer

Barrett Tonge Verified customer
"Mike & team are super consistent with quality training, explanation, and trade recommendations. The weak link in being able to execute in the afternoon POP entries is...me & my sometimes erratic schedule. Netpicks is a great community."
4 years ago

Jim Edelstein Verified customer
"I'm just getting started with NOS after having success with the Overnight Pop Trades service offered by the same team, but so far I am very impressed. Mike is fantastic, always available to answer questions and engage on any topic."
4 years ago

Linda Danek Verified customer
"The overnight Pop trades have been terrific. We've had 6 winners, 2 losers - the service has already paid for itself - and we have a lifetime yet to use it! Mike is responsive, answers questions, and we know we can count on timely alerts."
4 years ago

Leonard Schwartzberg Verified customer
"As I tell Mike often......... another WINNER!!!!! Unbelievable so often I enter a trade in morning and book a profit late same day or next morning. My wife is thrilled at my constant GOOD NEWS. It's so simple. I am NOS, POP, & SOS."
4 years ago

George Ramsteck Verified customer
"I am very pleased with the results from the Nasdaq Superstars. Mike is doing a great job explaining the trades and giving us all the information we need to put the trades on. Mike also answers all your questions, Keep up the great job ."
4 years ago

Matt Verified customer
"Overnight Pop Trades has been great! I have been with the program for 4 weeks now. The profits, thus far, have paid for the service for the entire year. The rest is pure profit. Well done Mike and the netpicks team!"
4 years ago

Steve Allen Verified customer
"Just concluded my first trade for a profit and really enjoying getting spoon-fed these well-researched trade ideas. I also enjoy the no-stress of the NOS system. I'm not chained to the trading platform all day, but get timely notifications."
4 years ago

mike b Verified customer
"This is a great investing service! I paid for my lifetime membership in the first week of trading! It is a simple process and helps promote discipline by not trying to squeeze every dollar out of a trade."
4 years ago

Jack Verified customer
"Not a loser yet! Many 'Thanks' to Mike and his team. This is a great way to pickup several hundred dollars - THREE TIMES a week."
4 years ago

Brian Harding Verified customer
"This service is great! I didn't know anything about trading options a month ago. Mike taught me enough to make 20 trades, 90% of which were winners, in just 30 days. More importantly, he's quickly responded to every question I have had."
4 years ago

RICHARD GROSKI Verified customer
"The last 14 weeks of the year has been incredible! I have not had a losing OPT to date! I purchased the lifetime OPT program and it has paid for itself. Mike is a calm instructor who takes his time and answers your questions directly!"
4 years ago

nick d Verified customer
"very pleased with the service and results... both mike and eric spent time with me on the phone and walked me through my frist trade....where else can you get that level of service.... with excellent results"
4 years ago

nick d Verified customer
"excellent really like the system..... new to all this but simple and more importantly effective... both mike and eric spent time helping me on the phone... where else do you get that type of service... great group of guys"
4 years ago

Robert Ramirez Verified customer
"in our lives, we meet people who influence us and impact our financial freedom. Mike Rykse from Netpicks has been one of those people. I joined Net Picks overnight pop & Nas Superstar and have made consistent profits. Cust Serv is excellent"
4 years ago

Dwight Owens Verified customer
"Exceptional service and great, winning strategy. 60-70% returns with Net Picks Overnight PoP trades with a consistently high win rate -- what's not to love! Thanks Mike and Team for your hard work and dedication."
4 years ago

Leo LeBoeuf Verified customer
"Works and I have made $"
4 years ago

Edwin Friesendorf Verified customer
"I Joined POP trades on February 23, now 37 days later I just closed my 16th trade and cleared my entire investment into the lifetime service. Only one trade of the 16 lost money. All gravy from here, thanks Mark and Mike keep it up please"
4 years ago

JK Verified customer
"OPT is amazing! It is a novel strategy (in a non-earnings context), but Mike & team seem to have already fine tuned it into a consistent strategy with attractive ROI. OPT might just be the best trade advisory service I have ever tried!"
4 years ago

Warren Heuer Verified customer
"Awesome System! I can't wait for the next POP trade to hit my in-box. Almost every trade has worked out and Mike is very supportive when I have questions."
4 years ago

Joe McLaughlin Verified customer
"Hello Team, I am very happy with the results of OPT so far. I signed up early March and have taken 10 trades with 9 winners. A 90% win rate is fantastic! Please keep 'em coming!"
4 years ago

pamela Verified customer
"I Have more than made my investment back in less than 2 months even though don't always get in or get the best price. I like that it requires little time or personal expertise to make consistent profits. Thanks"
4 years ago

George Elliott Downey Verified customer
"The service and notifications are good. Have to get used to getting them around 1230pm pacific time each week. They are pretty easy to follow. The app does leave a little to be desired as it is not easy to look up the different trades."
4 years ago

Steve Droulard Verified customer
"Besides the fact that you are batting 100% since I joined .... I love the late afternoon alert and the quick close in the morning. I play them a bit safer and sacrifice the return .... but I really like this service."
4 years ago

Mary Jean Kersey Verified customer
"I am blown away by the service provided. The trades are clearly given; always on time; fast response to any questions I have. This is a great team that cares. I am finally making consistent, fast, profitable trades. THANK YOU"
4 years ago
"Alerts are easy to follow, with appropriate rationale, and seem to be mostly successful. Other alert services have too many alerts and at outrageous prices with no rationale and are not significantly successful."
4 years ago