Jeff Umbro Verified customer
Founder, Podglomerate, Astoria, New York, NY

Nicola Korzenko Verified customer
General Manager, Podfund, Brooklyn, NY
"Podbrief is a great way to stay on top of news in the industry and events in the NYC community. An excellent resource for creators and business leaders alike."
5 years ago

Mattia Verzella Verified customer
Partnerships and Enterprise Sales, Voxnest, Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY
"I rely on Podbrief for all news and updates about New York City's Podcast scene and to make sure my events are always up to date on the Podbrief's calendar. Jonathan is a natural connector of people and businesses."
5 years ago
"Straightforward, extremely relevant, and factual. I feel like I'm being equipped for the week."
5 years ago