André Verified customer

Matt - Jane Verified customer
"We received our certificate in person from Luis and Andrea, took some photos and danced with them. It has been an amazing experience, from the classes, to the training for the challenge, to the support... recommended!"
5 years ago

Steve Verified customer
"I’m training to pass the Challenge and I’m thrilled since next month I’ll be dancing with L and A.....I can’t wait!"
5 years ago

Cathrine Verified customer
"I'm a dance teacher and I bought the course to teach something new to my students. Good choice indeed, high level content and above all loads of lessons. Keep it up Luis and Andrea! 💖💖"
5 years ago

Daniel Verified customer
"I've been dancing for 4 years and I'd like to become a dance teacher. I'm really satisfied with the professor course, I'm learning a lot"
5 years ago

Dejan Verified customer
"Happy with the pro course and the price. I was looking for a good course to improve my skills and I definitely found an incredible one. Thank you Luis and Andrea!"
5 years ago

Charlotte Verified customer
"I'm a big fan of L&A, I decided to buy PRO Course and it has been a great experience, great content and dancesurfing provided us quick and efficient support. definitely worth it"
5 years ago
"We are watching the classes at the weekend as we teach during the week. Very useful classes and the support as well."
5 years ago