Donna Verified customer

Paul Venti Verified customer
"Walked me through step by step.Not being computer savvy. Very knowledgeable and friendly. I Highly recommend them.They know all the answers before you ask the question."
4 years ago
Paul Venti Verified customer
"Help me step by step.I am not computer savvy .Still very old school."
4 years ago

Stacey Roi Verified customer
"SPS is simply a fantastic company that exudes a culture of integrity and positivity. Everyone is happy to help you on your journey. The course, itself, was extremely thorough. If you want to self - publish a book, this is the company to do it with."
4 years ago
Ralph Koerber Verified customer
"I published nine books since sign up June 29, 2020 through March 5, 2021. The final four are Self-help # 1 New Releases speaking to students and families at their various levels. There is a distinct need to provide assistance and support to students and families. The other books cross genre -adventure-education-spiritual-entertaining-Immigration to America..." Read more
4 years ago

Lisa Stone
"My coach Barbara was great. She provided invaluable assistance to me in organizing my thoughts and had some very good insights into how to approach outlining my book so that I can begin the process of writing my first draft."
4 years ago
Google review

Coni knepper Verified customer
"The live webinar was by far the BEST I have attended. Aaron, Elaine and Matt gave us endless tips on launching our books. From better ways to find categories to extended tricks in continuing a launch 5 days afterwards!"
4 years ago

Joe Kelly
"Barbara gave me a very clear picture of how to lay out my book. She is also a very good listener and very insightful. Thank you Barbara."
4 years ago
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Fundikira Kippaya
"Rapport was quick. Brett gave a lot insight on the book size, Chapter structure and answered all my questions : )"
4 years ago
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Brenda Schulz Verified customer
"My book, "Only Five Years" was made possible by the support of Self Publishing! Thank you."
4 years ago
Brenda Schulz Verified customer
"The coaching by Marcy made it all possible for "Only Five Years" to be published."
4 years ago
Brenda Schulz Verified customer
"Marcy was a great coach. The follow-up staff that I have needed have been kind and helpful. These people have been essential in the production of my book: "Only Five Years.""
4 years ago
Phil Sauerbrun Verified customer
"Great.instruction and support through the whole process from formulating a book concept to promoting it once published. Couldn't have done it successfully without the SPS online course, its coaches, and the encouragement provided to persevere."
4 years ago

Farraday Williams
"Ellaine Ursuy is an absolutely Fantastic Coach. She listened attentively to me and she gave me my next action step and she was very encouraging!!!! She also gave me direction by giving me insight on creating an outline. She also has A Great Personality and Smile!!!! I actually think The Whole Self-Publishing School Team is Awesome!!!! Thanks again to Chandle..." Read more
4 years ago
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Charmaine Marie Verified customer
"I have learned so much from Self Publishing School. I am so thankful for my mentors."
4 years ago

Jo Dodd Verified customer
"SPS is quite simply, the best! I wish I'd found it earlier. Step by step coursework that is easy to absorb and understand, paired with phenomenal coaches who encourage, inspire and hold me accountable - it's the perfect combination! Thank you SPS!"
4 years ago

Deborah Galtere
"Answering some questions I had regarding structure of my memoir, facilitating me in clarifying my next steps, helping me to establish a realistic timeline of working on my book"
4 years ago
Google review

The Ghost Post - Sherri Wynn
"I’m in my first interactions with SPS. My coach Michelle immediately connected with my book's purpose, and she offered specific feedback and answers to my questions that I found greatly encouraging. She provided me with a big picture of my path forward, which was extremely helpful to getting my mind wrapped around the process. I can fill in other details as..." Read more
4 years ago
Google review

Shanie Cooper
"I just had my first meeting with my personal coach - she really helped me clarify which book to start first, encouraged me when i was feeling petrified, and helped me work out a plan of action for future. SPS is expensive, and I would love to have more meetings with my coach for the price, but I still feel like it's worth the money because of the community..." Read more
4 years ago
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J. A. Stephenson Verified customer
"Simply put, SPS is 100% responsible for helping me take an idea for a book and turn it into a published novel. I ordered Chandler's book in March 2020. Then, Dillon, Ramy and Barbara appeared along with a host of meetings, one-on-one calls and plenty of support. The rest they say is History"
4 years ago

J A Stephenson Verified customer
"Simply put, Chandler Bolt's book "Published" started the process, but the entire team at Self-Publishing School gave me the tools and the encouragement to complete a book from beginning to end. I am now published, and working on a second book from beginning to end."
4 years ago

Colleen Frost
"It was just great to have someone to talk out loud to. He listened compassionately and it was that comfort that day I needed. It is scary to share the biggest dream you've had in your life with a new Person, when your main Person is gone. But, I'm ok now. I found my People here at SPS. They will make sure I get our dream done."
4 years ago
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De Hufford Verified customer
"I never thought I’d write a book. But with the help of the SPS team, here I am. My book is published on Amazon and has one category number one slot as of this morning!"
4 years ago
Christin Bummer Verified customer
"I have been BEYOND thrilled with the results I've received from working with SPS. The course is phenomenal and thorough. Anything that's not 100% from the course can be addressed in group coaching calls, private coaching calls, and the SPS Mastermind Community. There is a wealth of information and support that turned my ideas into a high quality book. Laun..." Read more
4 years ago

"I enrolled for the one-on-one coaching and the system of support they provide. The coaching calls gives you tips with clear examples. I appreciate the energy and care displayed when addressing my concerns and the coach's willingness to go the extra mile to provide any additional information via email at my request. The overall feedback from the call pumps yo..." Read more
4 years ago
Google review
"Invaluable! Thank you to the coaches and the wonderful community!"
4 years ago