Stephen Woessner Verified customer
Predictive ROI, LLC

Lisa Jordan Verified customer
Human Solutions, LLC
"Sandy is extraordinary at what she does. She has an innate ability to go from “big picture” ideas to the action steps needed to get results. Whether you want to develop a plan to grow your business, create a marketing strategy for a new product or service, or explore how you can refine your business practices, Sandy does not disappoint. She is well-versed in..." Read more
5 years ago

Sandra McPherson Verified customer
"Adding Sandy Martini as a trusted Business Consultant has been one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made. I have been a private client of Sandy’s for the past year and have discovered that her expertise runs much deeper than I had anticipated. I’m not a coach, mentor or on-line marketer. I’m a manufacturer. The reason that is important to know is tha..." Read more
5 years ago

Therese Skelly Verified customer
Business Growth Coach
"Wow. Talk about a great ROI! Since I’m doing some major repositioning, I decided to invest in “A Shot of Sandy” session to help with strategy and planning. I have lots of great ideas, but as most coaches know… it’s sometimes a challenge to coach yourself. So I turned to one of the coaches I trust most in the world – Sandy Martini. I love the commitment s..." Read more
5 years ago

Gina Weller Verified customer
Weller Consulting
"Sandy’s commitment and focus on my needs as a client is exceptional. It doesn’t matter how long you've been in business; if you're running one or trying to get one off the ground, Sandy can help you make it even more successful! Her dedicated partnership, brilliant collaboration, cherished friendship and ability to bring humor to any situation greatly enha..." Read more
5 years ago

Uriah Guilford Verified customer
The Productive Therapist
"Working with you consistently this last year has been amazing. I have appreciated your guidance, feedback and cheering me on. It has made a huge difference for me and TPT. Looking forward to the next year! Uriah Guilford The Productive Therapist"
5 years ago

Yvonne A Jones Verified customer
50 and Wiser Coaching
"Sandra Martini (Sandy) has an amazing way of simplifying complex issues and making them easy to understand. For me, this was clearly evident during the "Uncheck the Box" program. I'm not your numbers girl and because of this I do not track my numbers as often as I should. I'm aware of the importance, yet I avoid it as much as possible. Throughout the progr..." Read more
4 years ago

Caryn Ginsberg Verified customer
Priority Ventures Group
"Sandy brings her extensive knowledge of online marketing and organizational management to help businesspeople find new ways to accelerate their results. I've benefited from her advice on strategy, communications and productivity management in particular. She's also delightful to work with. Caryn Ginsberg Priority Ventures Group"
5 years ago

Stephanie Stanfield, Ph. D. Verified customer
Live Your Present Moment Inc.
"Sandy gives everyone!!! such great value. She has valuable ideas that can be put to use right away. I love her success list. It really works. Stephanie Stanfield, Ph. D. Live Your Present Moment Inc."
5 years ago

Paulette Ensign Verified customer
Tips Products International
"Sandy is the consummate joint venture partner. She is discerning in what she takes on and only agrees to go forward when she's determined it's the ideal fit for her business. She does what she says she'll do when she says she'll do it, and anticipates what she can do to make the interactions even better. It was a joy to travel part of the journey together by..." Read more
5 years ago

Sarah Jo Wood Verified customer
Evolving Advisors Inc.
"I had gone back and forth to Sandra's web page over the span of a few months, always becoming more and more enticed by what she had to share because she seemed so authentic and credible. She didn't offer the moon and stars like so many other coaches did. So I decided to have a session with her. I received so much value from it that I found myself signing up..." Read more
5 years ago

Connie Hampton Verified customer
Hampton & Associates
"Sandy is amazing - her Extreme Client Care is demonstrated in everything she does or teaches. I have learned so very much and implemented it. Sandy is supportive, caring and professional with a great depth of experience. She articulates her knowledge in a way I can hear it. Connie Hampton Hampton & Associates"
5 years ago

Terry Green Verified customer
"Sandy is a phenomenal coach, mentor and business woman. She has the unique ability of being able to drill in and get to the real crux of the matter whether you are in a coaching session or simply having a conversation. You see her love of Extreme Client Care in everything she does and says, and she never fails to provide her readers and clients with valuable..." Read more
5 years ago

Melissa McCreery, PhD, ACC Verified customer
The Smart Woman’s Overwhelm and Overeating Expert
"Sandy is a joy to work with and she’s a master at getting down to business and delivering what she promises. I’ve been involved in several of her programs and she always impresses. Today I walked away from a strategy session with Sandy with a plan for a completely new stream of both income and marketing. I was blown away. In that short time, Sandy brought fo..." Read more
5 years ago

Bonnie Hutchinson Verified customer
"Sandra Martini has coached me through all the stages of a business start-up. And then — through her Team Sandy service — her team actually provided the services that made everything possible. Thanks to Sandy’s coaching and her team’s stellar help, I was able to create, launch and make money from a new product within 36 hours! I could not have launched my bus..." Read more
5 years ago

Kendall SummerHawk Verified customer
"Sandy is an expert at helping business owners like us work once then reuse what we do to get paid, get paid, get paid. Her ideas are simple, brilliant and very do-able! Kendall SummerHawk"
5 years ago

Jennifer Haubein Verified customer
"Sandy helped me accomplish several of my 3 month goals in just a few weeks, land joint ventures by following up, and come up with ideas for passive income. She helped me take one hour of my time and turn it into 6 times my normal billing rate. With her one suggestion of how to apply my knowledge and turn it into a product, I have turned my business around...." Read more
5 years ago

Anese Cavanaugh Verified customer
Leadership & Cultural Advisor
"Sandy has been such a great resource and supporter to me and my business. Things that I’d pegged as confusing to deal with have become much easier to address as I’ve watched her facilitate through them, teach me tricks to deal with them more effectively and basically feel more in control of the logistics of my business. Even a quick 10 minute conversation ca..." Read more
5 years ago

Desiree H. Young Verified customer
VentureWalk Business Partners
"Sandra is a wealth of information and unlike many coaches; she actually guides you in the steps you need to take to get things done, in a no-nonsense way. She helped me to identify a clear first product with the positioning to match along with practical steps to take in my everyday business to make building my ‘tribe’ (loyal clients and followers) that much..." Read more
5 years ago

Nancy Marmolejo Verified customer
CEO of Sizzibility™
"Working with Sandy Martini is like finding freedom you never knew you could have. Sandy outlined a plan for me to reach my income goals in a very doable, realistic way. She took into account what freedom meant for me: financially, personally, and creatively. The result was a map of what to do, when to do it, how much to do it, who to have help me, and ( !!!..." Read more
5 years ago

Aurelio Sablone Verified customer
"Hey, Sandy! I just wanted to thank you so much for today’s coaching call! I really enjoyed it, and I loved your many inspiring ideas that you came up with. I was also very impressed with the research you did on me and that you listened to so many of my songs! I really appreciate that… and it makes me feel special! 🙂 You certainly do deliver exceptional cl..." Read more
5 years ago

Nina Lewis Verified customer
"I was a bit apprehensive to hire Sandy because I considered myself pretty savvy in knowing a lot of marketing strategies. I knew I was stuck so I decided to take the leap of faith and schedule a Shot of Sandy and I am glad I did. Sandy was able to zero in on my business and see my blind spots. She didn’t sugar coat anything and told me to be honest with mys..." Read more
5 years ago

Tracey Lawton Verified customer
"Do you remember on our strategy session how I was talking about putting my new program together and you helped me finalize the name – Your Systems For Success? And then you helped me with the strategy for creating a charter membership? Well, I launched it via a free webcast. And already [in under a week] I’ve sold 21 memberships! The first 10 bonuses of a fr..." Read more
5 years ago

Desiree Young Verified customer
"Sandy has been such a great resource and supporter to me and my business. Things that I'd pegged as confusing to deal with have become much easier to address as I've watched her facilitate through them, teach me tricks to deal with them more effectively and basically feel more in control of the logistics of my business. Even a quick 10 minute conversation..." Read more
5 years ago

Paula Eder Verified customer
The Time Finder LLC
"I look forward to GIDR's monthly calls. Sandy answers questions & explores timely topics & her print newsletters reinforce & expand on the material. The info is practical, in-depth & Sandy always generously shares of herself. Paula Eder The Time Finder LLC"
5 years ago
"Without Sandy, we’d still be aimlessly wandering through the wilderness, wondering how we can use ASM to revolutionize our business model. We’ve never worked with a partner like her before. She’s everywhere and sees things we don’t. This is so amazing. I don’t ever want it to stop. Stephen Woessner Predictive ROI, LLC"
3 years ago