Ingrid Retour Verified customer
Sue Wright Verified customer
United Kingdom
"I found the film to be tremendously powerful. It has really helped me especially whilst we have all this pandemic going on. It's given me hope that we can get through this. Freedom is our birthright. Very many blessings Sue 🙏"
5 years ago

Vanessa Guild Verified customer
"A MUST-SEE MOVIE! If you are in need of hope, inspiration, words of wisdom and guidance during this most uncertain time, “Time of the Sixth Sun,” IS the movie for you. Truth always leads to answers… and Sixth Sun is truth you can count on. Deep Breath~ it’s all going to be ok. Watch this film. Blessings."
5 years ago

Jane Adams Verified customer
United Kingdom
"I felt utterly uplifted from seeing the film. It affirms everything I have intuited and observed about the great transformative Change quietly unfolding through the human landscape. It is wonderful to meet the wise ones in the Sixth Sun, to feel ourselves as a community in faith, compassion, strength, beauty. This is the REAL WORLD! Profound thanks."
5 years ago

Randa Verified customer
"Time of the Sixth Sun was a revaluation when it first came out, and even more so in this second release. The additions of the FB group, interviews and live-streams have further increased the energy of this production. I get such love and hope by seeing how people around the world are rallying behind this movement!"
5 years ago
Irene Thomas Bell Verified customer
Gwynn Oak MD USA
"You have presented much needed information in a well put together inspiring movie. It gave me renewed strength in my journey onward. Thank all of you. You are greatly appreciated. Peace love and light"
5 years ago
Gwendoline Jensen Verified customer
United Kingdom
"I watched the movie back to back...I felt the cermonies were letting me into my ancestary and my past lives.. then I rewatched it all over again over the extended weekend... The documentries have got me on a historical path of finding out more...especially the 3rd documentary....that just knocked me flat.... the live chats were informative...totally engagai..." Read more
5 years ago
Fawn Verified customer
Lake Cowichan bc
"Where to start...the synchronicity...yes! Consecutive happenings of synchronicity and awareness of them from beginning until now❣Life is more tangible and inviting in my connection to the happy place that is The Time Of The Sixth Sun 🕊💗🌎"
5 years ago
Jude EarthMother Verified customer
Gold Coast, Australia
"I loved every episode of The Time of the Sixth Sun. Words cannot express how grateful I am and more enriched by watching it. Thank you all who participated in the making of such an incredible, thought provoking and heart felt movie.. Loved it!! Thank you, so much. 💓🙏"
5 years ago
Roger Miller Verified customer
"My thoughts are ongoing and changing. A lot of content confirmed many of my thoughts in recent years yet we are bombarded by control statements from political arenas, media and marketing from corporate $$$$$ GREED. In my mind the word DEVELOPMENT is a cover up for DESTRUCTION AND DEVASTATION. We must listen to the wisdom of the Elders to Save the Planet."
5 years ago

Annie Bourgault Verified customer
"I waited a long time to watch the series because I missed it all last time. Since watching the whole series and movie I have awakened to another part of myself. I travel with my kids in a van around Australia and I have always feel drawn to explore with our kids. Now I know it’s my purpose: raising children to see the world and connect with it."
5 years ago
Barb Macy Verified customer
New Mexico, United States
"The series was amazing. I watched the episodes daily, giving myself time to think... I lived and worked with the Bushmen for a couple years, and taught on the edge of the Navajo Nation so many parts resonated with me. I decided to buy so it would be there when i wanted to renew my feelings. To all from the series, 😘"
5 years ago
Jenna Verified customer
United Kingdom
"TOTSS has opened up a global portal to allow us to have an awakening of ourselves, a remembering of who we are & in doing so raising the planetary vibration to allow a positive shift of change to come through to unite us as one through understanding, forgivenes, sharing, communication joy & love. The time is now, how exciting to be part of it. Thanks so much..." Read more
5 years ago
Linda Gurney Verified customer
Morgantown, West Virginia
"The movie and the documentaries are a gentle confirmation and affirmation of how Spirit lovingly nudges us to awaken, or for those who are awake they are a great "attitude check" to get us continuing on our life path. There is so much wonderful information about ways to help our planet and its inhabitants. Highly recommended!"
5 years ago
Simon King Verified customer
United kingdom
"To say that time of the sixth sun is a work of art is an understatement. It is much more, it is a work of heart. With interviews from across the globe from scientists, seekers and shamen, this movie and docuseries will open your minds and more importantly you hearts to a global awakening that can no longer be ignored. Time of the Sixth Sun shows you what the..." Read more
5 years ago
Lili Petric Verified customer
"I absolutely love this project - Great work! ❤Thank you 🙏"
5 years ago
"The Movie touched me, straight in my heart. While seeing it an intensely jubilant feeling arose in me, recognizing… YES! This are incredible times where great things can happen, through each one of us, holding together a vision of a new earth, build on Love, Oneness, gratitude, sharing and co-creation and a regained simplicity, closer to nature. Thank you!"
5 years ago