Ultimate Physio Reviews & Testimonials

5 (7)

Endorsal Reviews: 7


100% of Endorsal users would recommend Ultimate Physio

  7 verified testimonials
  5/5 average rating

Matthew Gray

Matthew Gray star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

Active Life Physiotherapy

"Nick provides great guidance, insight and clarity through his Ultimate Physio program. I have been in business for a while but still learnt some implementable strategies to help guide my business growth."

5 years ago

Royce Vandeleur

Royce Vandeleur star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

Palmwoods Physiotherapy

"Working with Nick over the past 12 months as a Physiotherapy Clinic owner my understanding of running a clinic has been turned on its head and all for the better! I feel grateful to have had this opportunity in the early stages of my career"

5 years ago

Alex Forde

Alex Forde star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

The Paddington Health Hub

"Being part of the 9 month BTUPC taught me more about running a business then my 5 yrs experience and Masters of Business degree combined! The value of this course is that it is physio specific. The best part is the amazing people you meet."

5 years ago

Clinton Griffiths

Clinton Griffiths star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

Beachside Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic

"The value received from Nick's 9 mth program immeasurable. I began the program with no clear path, no direction, basically no idea where I was heading. I now have a clear path, know exactly what I'm working on each day/wk/mth thanks to Nick"

5 years ago

Alison Jeffrey

Alison Jeffrey star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

Chevron Island Physio

"I couldn’t recommend Nick more highly. Not only has my business grown and developed since doing his course I have grown as a person and a leader. Nick is 100% invested in each client he works with and genuinely cares about your success."

5 years ago

Lizzy Jurgs

Lizzy Jurgs star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

Up & Active Physiotherapy

"Nicks Ultimate Physio program was invaluable. It was the best thing i have completed for myself and my business in my 8 years of ownership. His program was inclusive of all aspects of business and his mentorship was gold standard."

5 years ago

Josh iaquinto

Josh iaquinto star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer


"The ultimate business personal development program of our generation for physiotherapists. Turning clinic owners into conscious leaders for their team, family and community. 100% would recommend to ANY clinic owner."

5 years ago