Dr. Darshana Lele Verified customer
MentalWealthInc.com, South Pasadena,CA

Cyndi Verified customer
Pecan Branch Counseling / Code4Couples, Denton, Tx
"“Bootcamp” was the best investment I have made in myself. I went from working 45-50 hours per week to working 25 hrs, doubling my income, and impacting other therapists in my office. The time freedom created has been the best gift of all!"
5 years ago

Nikki Nolet Verified customer
Nikki Nolet, LMFT, Del Mar, San Diego CA
"Originally I thought I was business savvy but BSB has blown my mind and has systems built in that I couldn’t even have imagined to do on my own! Kudos to Kelly and Miranda for this and thank you!"
5 years ago

S. Abigail McCarrel, LCSW, DCSW Verified customer
Welcome Home Family Therapy, Arcadia, CA
"I am so pleased with the program from Business School Bootcamp for Therapists. After 10 years at home, going back to work was scary. I could not have started my private practice without the support from Kelly and Miranda."
5 years ago

Sol Verified customer
Sol Rapoport, LMFT
"The Business School Bootcamp is unlike anything else I have ever done for my business. It's not just about the content-although that is extraordinary. It's about the community and support. I couldn't be more grateful for it!"
5 years ago

Jane Verified customer
Every Day Love, Seattle
"ZynnyMe was the first training I EVER got on the business of therapy. I took the bootcamp and went to the first Most Awesome Conference and my business was changed. For the first time in 9 years, I had enough clients without taking insurance!"
5 years ago

Gabriel Verified customer
ADHD Counseling in the Roanoke Valley, Roanoke, Va
"I work at my practice one day a week, and spend the other days prepping and working in my business, but most importantly, I'm home raising my son. I couldn't have done this without K&M. They helped me be the father I always wanted to be."
5 years ago

Lisa B Verified customer
"Boot camp provided me the support and information I needed to accept that my therapy practice is also a business. After twenty years of being in practice, I'm finally doing what I need to succeed at working smarter not harder."
5 years ago

Lyla Verified customer
Kid Counseling Sacramento, Sacramento, California
"You gave me the courage and inspiration to form a Corporation, hire staff, make friends with money and enjoy life more! It’s so nice to know I can reach out and get answers. Miranda and Kelly you have given so much! Thank you"
5 years ago

Ashley Verified customer
Ashley McHan Mind Body Psychotherapy, Neptune Beach, FL
"With only 10% of the content in this program, I went from struggle in a brand new practice to full within two months AND receiving my full fee with each client! It is only up from here, so grateful for these lessons."
5 years ago

Laura Verified customer
Private Practice, Modesto CA
"BSB has helped gain clarity on how to form a business that is tailored to me, what to spend energy on, and I gained confidence in myself and my journey."
5 years ago

Shon Verified customer
Blue Compass Counseling, Chicago
"There’s no way starting my practice would have gone so easily without the services of Kelly and Miranda. I had so many ideas but no direction, so with individual coaching and the resources provided I was able to open with confidence."
5 years ago

Lisa Love, MSN, CNS, BC Verified customer
MindfulGuidance - Coaching & Counseling, Brunswick, Maine
"Three years into my private practice as an out-of-network therapist, I discovered ZynnyMe. In 2018, my income doubled and for the 1st time, I could breathe easily, trusting my ideal clients would find me, thanks to Bootcamp."
5 years ago

Sharon Verified customer
"BSBC was the first 'business development' course I invested in. It truly was an investment because it has paid for itself many times over! I never even dreamed I would be where I am today, even after only 18 months. Thanks Kelly & Miranda!"
5 years ago

Miranda Verified customer
Candlewood Couples and Sex Therapy, Connecticut
"March ‘19, I had my interview call for BSB. I gave notice that day at my agency job that was eroding my health. I had a part time practice with half the clients I needed. 9 months later my practice is full and I have expanded to 2 locations"
5 years ago

Desiree Woehrle Verified customer
Desiree Woehrle, LCSW
"Business school gave me the clarity and confidence needed to create and maintain a practice that's effective, rewarding and sustainable for six years now, and counting!"
5 years ago

Maelisa Hall Verified customer
QA Prep & My Digital Maven, Huntington Beach, CA
"I found Kelly and Miranda when I had an idea but no business in 2013. They have each impacted my business individually and together have opened up so many opportunities for me. I attribute much of my success to coaching with them early on."
5 years ago

Katherine Verified customer
Katherine Jewett, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy, PC, Pleasant Hill, CA
"You guys are truly amazing. There aren't enough words allowed here to say how amazing, so I will just say that through BBB and MAC, I tripled my business. I definitely have so much more planned. Excited to see if I can double again in 2020"
5 years ago

Erika Verified customer
Envision Wellness, Miami, Florida
"1 hour on a webinar with Kelly & Miranda in March 2015 changed my life. I never considered starting a business but with their help and encouragement, I now have a successful group private practice that's 100% private pay. Happy 10 yrs K&M!"
5 years ago

Beth Verified customer
PNW Family Therapy, Seattle, WA
"They have helped me be confident in setting my fee. They taught me that helping people and earning a wage that creates space and joy in my life can co-exist. It is not one or the other. BSB has been life changing."
5 years ago

Joanne Kim Verified customer
OliveMe Counseling, San Jose, CA
"I finished my 1st year being licensed, and my practice is THRIVING! I hit three 5-figure months, got 6-figures for the year, went on a 2.5-week vacation with more leads than ever before! I LOVE my clients and can do LIFE the way I dream!"
5 years ago

Marianne Verified customer
Dr Marianne Miller LMFT, San Diego, CA
"I couldn't have left my full-time job and gone into full-time private practice without your support. I also couldn't have gotten off of insurance panels and found the confidence to charge the fee I deserve without your help. Thank you!"
5 years ago

Brent Lane
"Their guidance is extremely helpful and has helped me avoid some new practice pitfalls that I might have otherwise fallen into. They are generous with their insight and have an excellent interpersonal style. They’re great!"
6 years ago

Kimberly Slagle
"Miranda and Kelly gave me exactly what I needed to build the practice (and life) I've always dreamed about. The resources they provided me in their Business School Bootcamp will prove valuable for many years to come. Additionally, their ongoing support, validation, and amazing sense of humor have instilled a sense of confidence and edge in me that I've yet t..." Read more
10 years ago

Miranda Croteau, LMFT, CST Verified customer
Witch City Couples Therapy, Salem, MA
"Business School has been my biggest source of information, community and motivation in building a fully private pay practice where every client is my ideal client"
a month ago
"AMAZING! Bootcamp is overwhelming only because it literally has everything one ever needs to know about the business of private practice. You helped me go from a struggling insurance based practice to a private pay one, Now M.A.Y 2020!"
5 years ago