Barbara Pavey Verified customer

Rebecca Lane Verified customer
"The calibre of this course is outstanding. It exceeded my expectations. Thank you so much David Lee Martin for providing this course it truly has inspired me. I am very excited to start the process of creating some courses."
14 days ago

Andrew N Poole Verified customer
"I finally created my creative workbook. Although it was a small step, it was nevertheless a huge step forward in this creative adventure. Praise the Lord!!"
a month ago
Emma Burrows Verified customer
"An informative, practical, and encouraging workshop which provided tips that I can use, not just for journals and planners, but at work too. Thank you David"
a month ago

Andrew Dickson Verified customer
"The Publish Your Poetry class was exactly what I needed to finally 'ship' my first product. David keeps his training clear and concise while still being his friendly, encouraging self."
a month ago

Louise Marie Jones Verified customer
"The workshop was great, very informative, and engaging. David Lee has much experience, and is very approachable. A Highly recommended course."
a month ago

Sherry York Verified customer
"Tomorrow my published journal is due to arrive, and next week, author copies of my poetry book. Yay! Praise God!"
2 months ago

Sherry York Verified customer
"My published journal is to arrive tomorrow, and author copies of my poetry book arrive next week! Yay! Praise God!"
2 months ago

Rachel Smith Verified customer
"David's 'Publish Your Poetry' workshop filled me with enthusiasm and hope for publishing my incompleted book. He simplified the process and as a result I completed and self-published my book, 'Garments Of Praise', two months later!"
2 months ago
Shirley B Verified customer
"Hello David I'm a bit late with my comments but nevertheless, I must say how inspired I was by your presentation. You made it so simple and encouraging. I can't wait to get started."
3 months ago

Troy Verified customer
"David is a Holy Spirit gifted teacher and encourager. Two qualities that make Anointed Authors very special. You will publish a book when you follow the steps and trust the proven process. David generously shares his rich experience, making this program excellent value. Working through the course itself is life-changing. It will open up the doors of possibil..." Read more
3 months ago
Sherry York Verified customer
"David’s easy-to-follow workshop jumpstarted my enthusiasm to take on a new, refreshing project. Thank you, David, for your encouragement! Blessings!"
4 months ago
Maria Verified customer
"It was very informative and inspired to share my poems to the world. Thank you David for making this happen!"
4 months ago
Mary Verified customer
"Thank you for an inspiring Poetry Workshop. It was very informative especially with God being the center focus with His word in scriptures."
4 months ago
Jen Verified customer
"David was quite inspiring, encouraging action minus perfectionism! Seeing his publishing process was very helpful. The only changes I might make would be to split up the motivational speech to get to the content earlier and then circle back"
4 months ago
Emma Burrows Verified customer
"Thank you, David, for this very encouraging workshop. It was an answer to my prayers. Everything was so clearly explained, with easy to follow step by step instructions, and I can't wait to get going :)"
4 months ago
Marlene Verified customer
"I have so enjoyed the attentiveness and dedication that David has shown to me from the beginning of my time in this group. Because I had most of the content done before joining this course my experience is different from most here. Having written a book already makes a difference also. I love the way the whole program is laid out. The course is straight fo..." Read more
5 months ago

JK Stenger Verified customer
"It's been great, David. It is organized in easy to follow format and everything is straight-forward. Because of several other projects I have not been able to follow as closely as I would have liked, but I am now well on the way with my next book, which is a real blessing. I am also doing your Bible School and while that too it is a tremendoes blessing it cu..." Read more
5 months ago

Shaunelle Verified customer
"Anointed authors is just what I needed-Resources to pull us along, weekly text nudges to push us forward and a Christian community focused on getting their book out. David sensitively uses the Word to train our mindset. It’s superb!🍒"
10 months ago
Ros Verified customer
"I’m so encouraged by how invested David is in us as individuals, really shepherding us personally where we’re at in our individual writing journeys. I was nervous joining the course but have felt my hand held firmly each step of the way."
a year ago

Dr Gemima Fitzgerald Verified customer
"This is a wonderful program. I have felt so supported and encouraged by David Martin. He coaches all of us on the program through the whole writing process. If writing a book is your dream, this program will help make your dream a reality!"
a year ago

Barbara Pavey Verified customer
"David has such passion and integrity. His enthusiasm erupts in this course. Grab the opportunity to realise a dream under the watchful eye of a true writing pastor. He shepherds his emerging authors with integrity. This is incredible value."
a year ago

Darren Holdstock Verified customer
"We have launched a new podcast with the help from David, (thank you my friend) we have been asked to join with a pastor and do training each month which has gone international!"
2 years ago

Dr Joelle Verified customer
"Completed My Fearless Article: Filled to be Spilled. Bless you!"
2 years ago

Dr Joelle Verified customer
"Ordered some of my idea books along with David's book: Productivity For Indie Authors WORKBOOK EDITION: A Book About Doing Less And Making More (Self Publishing Pathway To Published). Abundant blessings!"
2 years ago
"Everything David does is 100% helpful. For anything creative in the world of writing, he is your go-to man. Everything is unpacked and presented in bite size chunks, and he gives away his expertise generously. Excellent taster experience."
14 days ago