Paul Hatcher Verified customer

Paul Hatcher Verified customer
"FINALLY managed to create a lead magnet, free book and landing page that works! Thanks David Lee for all your help!"
3 years ago

James Fane-Gladwin Verified customer
"Wowzers! Declaration done and dusted! Praise to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine..""
3 years ago

Marcus Amann Verified customer
"I wrote 7 articles in 8 days, the last article was twice as long as the others. Setting myself a writing target of 500 words a day made this task easy and straight forward. I already knew the topics I was going to write about. And I'm not going to stop - I'll keep applying 500 words a day to other projects."
3 years ago

Marcus Amann Verified customer
"I finally cleared the mental and physical clutter to write every day, with the help of a fantastic writing tool called 4thewords. I'm now daily building out content to share and I also published the beginnings of a new website. What a great week!"
3 years ago

Lenore Casswell Verified customer
"I have shared my declaration, yahoo! I too did not know how to do this before. Yeah, I've achieved another victory. :)"
3 years ago

Lori Miller Verified customer
"Working on my 7 Series Articles. The first one is (mostly) done. The title is- 7 Keys to Brewing and Steeping the best cup of tea you've ever had...in your life. Have an Idea that is forming for Article 2."
3 years ago

Jeanette Verified customer
"I wrote my first Seven Series article today!"
3 years ago

Louise Marie Jones Verified customer
"I created my journal book a few weeks ago. But I've only just discovered how to do the win wall. Lol. I've sold quite a few copies of my book. Yayyy Jesus. Many more to come Jesus all glory to you and thanks David Lee for helping us. ."
3 years ago

Louise Marie Jones Verified customer
"yayyyy, I shared my fearless declaration on the fearless page, I'm a daughter of God born for such a time as this to make a difference in the world, to share Jesus, my story, and creativity, woohoo let's go, Jesus!"
3 years ago

Barbara Pavey Verified customer
"This faithful creative has put some skin in the game and created a "Seven Series" umbrella title along with seven branch titles. Amazingly, I have written (in my created workbook!) Article 1 in the series. Posting here to get my tick and knock down Domino 23! Yay!"
3 years ago

Jeanette McCarthy Verified customer
"I have posted my fearless declaration on the fearless webiste. Yay!!!"
4 years ago

Lenore Casswell Verified customer
"I did it yeah!!. I created and published my work book. Yahoo!"
4 years ago

Jeanette McCarthy Verified customer
"I created and published my own workbook. Really enjoyed the process. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09DMRF6XN"
4 years ago

Marcus Amann Verified customer
"Despite how extra busy life can get, the Creator's Highway has kept me on track with easy to do baby steps. I'm not overwhelmed by a huge to-do list. It's short, simple, and easy. That makes all the difference when I think about going to me desk - I actually do sit down because I know it's doable!"
4 years ago

Lori Miller Verified customer
"This week (in my life), has been a challenge “Here’s my win- “ I’m still here!”"
4 years ago

Barbara Pavey Verified customer
"I am celebrating the posting of my Identity Statement "The Naked Truth" to the Fearless page and also to CCA FB Group page. It was literally a download from heaven and my prayer is that I will steward God's words well as I step into this calling."
4 years ago

Camelle Daley Verified customer
"Through CCA videos and David’s guidance I was about to help 30 ladies write and publish a 2 book Anthology. On LAUNCH DAY we had not one but ***TWO AMAZON BEST SELLERS*** in a competitive category of “Christian Living”. David and CCA THANK YOU for making 30 Women ecstatic. There was jubilation and tears when I was able to interrupt the final thank you me..." Read more
4 years ago

Sharon Dixon Verified customer
"I am enjoying my beautiful new workbook...The Springtime of My Life! Somehow, the thought of publishing (that final piece before promotion of the book I am writing) doesn't seem so daunting now that I have done this book"
4 years ago

Marcus Amann Verified customer
"This workbook is a winner! If it was left to me, I would still be tweaking this workbook until the second coming, but David gives us these little wins so that we build are muscles of competence and brilliance, all while applying the BUY NOW as we go."
4 years ago

Gary Anderson Verified customer
"I created a workbook to collect my thoughts. I have been asking God to show me about the New Earth so I can tell my family. We have all been given a ticket to eternity and God's paradise is where you want to spend it. I believe it is much like this earth, but, All Things Will Be New. Oh how I like new!"
4 years ago

Nicola Sharon Freeman Verified customer
"I completed and published my own workbook. Just waiting for it to arrive now."
4 years ago

Barbara Pavey Verified customer
"I created and published my Highway to Success workbook with a little help from my friends. It’s live on Amazon platforms and my copy has arrived! Yay!"
4 years ago

Lori Miller Verified customer
"I created and published my own "gorgeous" workbook/journal. A beautiful place to put my Ideas and help me with my part of creating a business and life I love - a legacy for my Family. At the heart of it all is our customers/community."
4 years ago

Christine Sterling Bortner
"The Christian Creative Academy is unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced. What I love about David and the CCA is that everyone in the group freely shares their knowledge. After ONE conversation with David, I implemented what he told me and within thirty days, my income doubled. After sixty days I quadrupled my income! CCA was divinely orchestrated, and I..." Read more
4 years ago
"Just posed in the Community my first practise podcast with more, 'real' ones to follow soon!"
2 years ago