Rebecca Verified customer
22 lbs lost; exercising twice a week, Philadelphia, PA

Karen E., Manager
"I started having more energy and beginning my day with a positive attitude!"
5 years ago

Vicky, PhD Candidate
United States
"I can finally say that I have worked out for 3 consecutive months, which is a first for me! And I finally can also say that I LOVE working out!"
5 years ago

Charlotte W., Sales Professional
United Kingdom
"I can pull my pants on without undoing the button!"
5 years ago

Amanda, Baby Planner
United States
"Before FB16, I could never stay committed to working out regularly. Even when I told myself I was “too tired” to exercise, I knew that I could get it done quickly and feel amazing afterwards, so it was easy to convince myself to just do it. Since I graduated from FB16, I’ve been motivated to repeat the program on my own multiple times."
5 years ago

Yev, PhD Candidate
United States
"Instead of getting stuck with “should I go for a run? should I go to a yoga class? should I go lift weights?” and not actually doing anything because of indecision, I would just go right in and follow FB16."
5 years ago

Marcela, photographer
"I was tired at the end, yes…but they were doable, and I actually had a thrill and more energy when I was finished. And all in just 16 minutes!"
5 years ago

Krista B., teacher
United States
"Whenever I hear someone running for an hour I say “you’re crazy, you only need 16 minutes!”"
5 years ago

Jessica Y., Environmental Engineer
United States
"It’s really hard not to have 16 minutes."
5 years ago

Helen T., Project Manager
United Kingdom
"It was harder not to do 16 minutes than to actually do it! I felt like I needed a really good excuse not to find 16 minutes in my day."
5 years ago

Luisa, entrepreneur
"My 10-year old daughter has started exercising too!", United States
"I think EB can help people in many different areas of their lives – any project that requires to form habits, to have a step by step approach. My daughter is 10 and very sedentary. She is also a bit overweight. Thanks to EB, I developed a practice for her when she is at the computer doing homework to, every ten minutes, go down the stairs and up once, then c..." Read more
5 years ago

Aida B, Business Coach
"I’m not tired, I’m not bored, and I want more exercise!", Spain
"Knowing that you can exercise, and not just exercise, but to actually enjoy it? That increases your self-confidence A LOT. I’m happier and feel more energized. It’s still surprising to me, but I’m thinking that I actually can keep exercising and enjoying it forever. I’m not tired, I’m not bored, and I want more!"
5 years ago

Eleana M., PhD Candidate
"I got in shape, without stressing my schedule!", United States
"I finally managed to fit exercise in my hectic grad student schedule, without even having to worry too much about it. EB helped me create an exercising habit while taking away the stress and the hassles related to adding more to one’s schedule. I have gotten in better shape and I love it!"
5 years ago

Steve S
"I no longer need to push myself to do it", UK
"I used to feel “fifty shades of guilt” about exercise. I was doing a lot of walking, but knew I needed to work out in some way, to get myself fully fit and in the best shape. I now do exercise in some form several times each week, without having to push myself; and free from guilt if I miss a day because I know I can rely on my habits to keep me on track."
5 years ago

"It’s finally not overwhelming to think about exercising, it’s more like I really want to do it, it’s a promise with myself without guilt."
5 years ago

Cathy B.
Learned to love exercise at 57, United States
"Since having come on board with EB my life is sooooo different! I’m not kidding. I am loving it! I started to see a difference in my attitude and EB has shown me I CAN do it consistently! My body is seeing results too. I not only walk but I JOG too. I have more strength and I’m not out of breath so much. I no longer badger myself to exercise."
5 years ago

Krista B.
Lost 25 lbs, United States
"I am learning to appreciate my body and I enjoy the way my body feels after a challenging workout. I am learning to appreciate my body and I enjoy the way my body feels after a challenging workout. I no longer shame myself because of my size and for that I finally feel at peace with my body."
5 years ago

Lost 22 lbs, Greece
"It’s been more than 3 months since I graduated and I’m still exercising consistently. I started going to the gym right after the program ended, and I still go 4 times a week. I’ve lost over 22 pounds & I could not be happier!"
5 years ago

Sarah F.
Applied what she knew works as a therapist, United States
"Before Exercise Bliss, the thought of exercise brought a sense of dread. Even though I’ve aspired to be physically fit my entire life, I just couldn’t make it happen. I no longer have all the messages of self-hatred that have motivated my fitness plans in the past and I feel amazing."
5 years ago

Eva R
Did her first pushup in her 60s, Greece
"I’m stronger and have a lot more energy. I used to get tired after a few hours with my grandchildren. Now I can easily keep up with them (ages 4 & 2). I also look 10 years younger. No-one at my yoga studio can guess I’m 65. They all think I’m in my 50s. It’s a great self-confidence boost for any woman of my age to know that you look younger."
5 years ago

Liz G.
Now craves exercise in the morning, Australia
"I now ‘bounce’ out of bed and gladly do my 20 – 30 mins of exercise. I have formed a habit that is most beneficial and so easy to maintain. I continue to use the habit journal and find it encourages me to achieve my plan of working out 20 – 30 mins 4 times a week. I’m actually finding I’m working out 5 times a week! I enjoy it so much and feel sort of let d..." Read more
5 years ago

Hilda C.
Lost 30 lbs, NC, USA
"I would do low carb but ultimately I'd hit a point where it felt too restrictive and couldn't keep up so I would only lose a few pounds. That experience also created unnecessary fear of carbs."
5 years ago

Sierra N.
Lost 30 lbs, USA
"Had tried what I thought I should be doing - counting calories and running - but I saw little results and would eventually quit. I didn't know HOW to make the right changes to lose weight sustainably."
5 years ago

Sierra N.
Lost 30 lbs, USA
"My whole life I have always been borderline overweight. In the 9 months that I have worked with Maria, I have lost almost 30 pounds and learned how to do 115 lb deadlifts! On my 39th birthday, I decided it was time to start implementing some of what I know about getting healthy, but I needed help to figure out HOW to make healthy changes. I lost weight susta..." Read more
5 years ago

Hilda C.
Lost 30 lbs, NC. USA
"I have lost close to 30 lbs and I am the smallest clothes size I remember being since high school. I have clothes my husband thought a couple times they were the kids' when he got them out of the laundry. Because my shirts are now small!"
5 years ago
"Habits. Focusing on small, achievable weekly goals has helped me to see the big pay off of small habits. Instead of looking to the weigh loss goal all by itself, it's the steady nature of habits that will sustain me for a lifetime of health. Having a coach help me change my mindset is key for me; I had no idea how ingrained my eating habits were until I chan..." Read more
4 years ago