Learn Scrivener Fast Reviews & Testimonials

5 (432)

Reviews: 432


100% of customers would recommend Learn Scrivener Fast

  Showing 5 star reviews only  

Susan Guetter star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer


"The video series has turned Scrivener from an unwieldy and incomprehensible piece of software into something I use every day, without grinding my teeth. Instead it's almost painless, (as I am still learning my way around the program with each new lesson.)"

7 months ago

George Riggs

George Riggs star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

Sci-Fi Writer

"Scrivener can be frustrating. I spent hours hunting and pecking or searching the web for needed direction. This course eliminated that wasted time so I could focus on my work. I am currently using the course to finish my sci-fi novel. Recommend for any scrivener user."

7 months ago

Rosemary B Moore star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"This company has been efficient, professional, and refunded a mispayment rapidly. My story has been sitting in Scrivener for years. Joe's instruction has helped me bring it out of mothballs. I'm near to completing a first draft."

8 months ago

RM Smith star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer


"Learn Scrivener Fast was an amazing class. It has simplified a complex program and made it easy entry. I had looked at it during Nanowrimo, and am definitely going to use this program, and all I learned in this class to be ready for this year‘s novel writing adventure. How easy it is to import notes ideas pictures to keep my mind, fresh and focused. The Lear..." Read more

8 months ago

Jef Curlin star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I wrote my first book, The Achemist's Journey, using a combination of Pages, Word, OneNote and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. It....worked, I finished the book and published it through a hybrid publisher. My second book, The Alchemist's Dilemma, I wrote entirely in Scrivener which I believe is the best thought out application I've ever seen. Bi..." Read more

8 months ago

Wendee Mullikin

Wendee Mullikin star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer


"Learn Scrivener Fast has really helped me unlock the potential Scrivener has as an all-in-one writing tool. For the past eight or so years, I've been barely scratching the surface of it's capabilities. Now, I'm cranking out a chapter a day because everything is in one convenient container and I don't have all the distractions in my way."

8 months ago

Francisco Sanchez star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer


"I think your course is very comprehensive, clear and to the point. I have enjoyed it very much and I think my productivity as a writer is going to soar using Scrivener"

8 months ago

Stacey Avraham star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

Avra Lifestyle and Wellness

"I really love the detailed approach to Scrivener and applying application to the training while going through the modules. There is a ton of value, downloads and plenty of material to go through. Everything is really good and visual, which I love and he is an excellent trainer. Thank you!"

9 months ago

Diane Plesset

Diane Plesset star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

D. P. Design

"I'm impressed with Joseph's knowledge of Scrivener, and his ability to take the fear out of learning such an intricate program with a steep learning curve. I've been struggling with how to write two books for over 2 years, but now I'll have the knowledge and confidence to bring both to different markets!"

a year ago

Vance Borton star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"The Scrivener Fast course got me up and running quickly. Before this course, I would just look at the screen, scratch my head, and say, huh?"

a year ago

James Trimble star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Well organized approach. The variations on PC are a bit more difficult because the demos are using Mac. However, it is well worth the price paid. "

a year ago

Larry Scarbeau

Larry Scarbeau star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer


"Excellent as always and even though I've used Scrivener before the course unlocked its power to get me writing. In the last thirty days I have written almost 50,000 words of the first draft of my book. Thanks Joseph!"

a year ago

Hina Haq star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Excllent. I have not had the chance to go through the entire training program, but whatever I have gone through is superb. I love the fact that it makes everything doable by breaking it down into bit size, easy to understand pieces. I had heard a lot of good things about scrivener from other authors. When I went through a training course by author James..." Read more

a year ago

Allyssa Carlton star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I love the bite-size chunks of information, nothing is too overwhelming to learn. Easy to follow along and to implement. Having both video and written instructions is great too. I now feel ready to use Scrivener for all my writing."

2 years ago

Jack Delivuk star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer


"The advantage of this system is that you learn one little thing at a time. That makes it simple to repeat a lesson till you learn it. Also, it only requires under 3 minutes a lesson, a big help to those with short attention spans. You can have Scrivener open with the lesson on a split screen and practice the lesson immediately. This helps you to remembe..." Read more

2 years ago

Julie Sit star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Before this training, I had Scrivener but didn't understand a lot about it. I just did what I thought I had to do on Scrivener. Now I realized that I was going the long way through Scrivener. So happy I know better now."

2 years ago

Gary Tole

Gary Tole star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

Gary Tole Sales

"I have been enjoying the content and learning how to organize all my writing for the last eight years."

2 years ago

Rebecca star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Joe's presentation got me excited about buying the Scrivener app, and learning how to use. I was stalled on my wanting to be an author, and now I can see that not being organized was what was getting in the way of my passion. This looks like the best organizational tool, and Learn Scrivener Fast looks like the best way to jump right in!"

2 years ago

Linda A. McClellan

Linda A. McClellan star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I've used a three-ring binder for years to organize my projects into one space. So when I discovered Scrivener, I thought, 'Oh, great, just what I needed.' Then I opened the program and was lost. Joseph's quick classes break Scrivener into manageable, bite-sized pieces in plain language. After the first few lessons, I was flying through Scrivener with ease...." Read more

2 years ago

JohannaB star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"I have had Scrivener for a very long time - several years in fact; first as trial and then purchase. I was never even able to figure out how to name a file. With LearnScrivenerFast, I've been able to not only name files but import a whole draft of my first full draft and start revising. I'm excited to go through the rest of the training modules to learn h..." Read more

2 years ago

Ilona Black star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Before I started Learn Scrivener Fast I was struggling getting my manuscript organized. The videos in this course are not too long, so I can always fit them easily into my daily schedule. I can see and listen how it works in real life and what really helped me, that there are screenshots in addition to each video I can refer to. I am so happy to finally be a..." Read more

2 years ago

Grayson Sheldon star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Although I'm still working my way through the class, I can say that it's definitely been worth my time and effort. I've always wanted an easy way to get into Scrivener besides the basics, and this is helping a lot."

2 years ago

CherylMarie Antier

CherylMarie Antier star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

Sacred Circles Publishing

"Every time I had a question or a problem, support always responded quickly and gave me the answer I needed. I've learned so much, I recommend Scrivener and Learn Scrivener Fast to my students as the best way to write your book easily and fast!"

2 years ago

Dale Crangle

Dale Crangle star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"So far, this has been a really interesting course. I didn't have much experience using Scrivener well and just had to figure it out as I went along. This course is teaching me everything in a well laid out way, and giving me a much better understanding of what Scrivener can do!"

2 years ago

Carlos Jeronimo

Carlos Jeronimo star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

carlosjeronimo.com "FINDING NEW LIFE"

"I had Scrivener abandoned for a long time due to the tedious way of learning it. "Learn Scrivener fast" gave learning a spark of life with its simple and enjoyable way of teaching. I love it, and now I feel excited every time I use it."

2 years ago