Learn Scrivener Fast Reviews & Testimonials

5 (431)

Reviews: 431


100% of customers would recommend Learn Scrivener Fast

  Showing 5 star reviews only  

Nisha star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Learn Scrivener Fast allowed me to get some key techniques to get started - and not feel intimated by a whole new program."

3 years ago

Jarm Del Boccio star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"After going through Learn Scrivener Fast I'm amazed at how much there is to discover with Scrivener!"

3 years ago

Del Cotton star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Scrivener was useless software until I 'Learned Scrivener Fast'! It actually worked."

3 years ago

Paula star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I was surprised by the ease of learning I experienced through LSF. "

3 years ago

David Boswell star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"After just the basic Learn Scrivener Fast module I am compressing information with ease using Scrivener. Viewing and finding references, notes or drafts is enjoyable and easy. Scrivener is an inexpensive application and there is a goldmine of functions that Joseph Michael has helped me discover."

3 years ago

Dean C. Ortner, Ph.D., Ph.D. star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"As a scientist, I will plod through any quagmire I face in looking for answers, so, I hope to not get "stuck," but will persevere toward the goal of proficiency I desire. Your invested time in the course development is admirable and my interest and anticipation is growing weekly."

3 years ago

Deb Kiger star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I am happy how much more I have learned than expected, just from the Basics module. I've discovered that I can use Scrivener to document software Agile user stories."

3 years ago

Carl Blackburn star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"It's nice how my questions were covered so clearly in your course. I was writing chapters in Word then copying them into Scrivener...very disorganized...now I have the entire manuscript in Scrivener."

3 years ago

Randall R Thompson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

Founder, Millionaire Alliance, Inc

"This course is a great resource with fast reference retrieval."

3 years ago

Adam Drummond star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I'm surprised how easy Scrivener is to use once you know what you're doing. I was using Word and Evernote and things were everywhere - now with the help of your course I have my book well and truly underway."

3 years ago

Angie star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Before going through your course, I felt really unorganized and all over the place. I had some stuff in Scrivener and some in Evernote. I was afraid to write or edit anything. Now that I understand Scrivener and how to use it, I don't have to worry about how to use the tool I am free to write. I finally feel organized and a lot more comfortable editing a..." Read more

3 years ago

Tim McGregor star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I had been using 10% of Scrivener before this class and now I don't fear opening it and working on my project. I created workarounds but now I have learned Scrivener already had a method to do what I want. It is no longer necessary for me to waste time as I reinvent the wheel. The wheels are there."

3 years ago

M T McGuire star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"It is amazing how dis-intuitive Scrivener is without your help! ;-) It's been so much easier setting up my documents now. "

3 years ago

Imogen star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I liked how detailed this course was. It was great that you covered everything that I could ask."

3 years ago

Mikhael Star star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Learn Scrivener Fast definitely enabled me to dial up quickly on a complex system with a bunch of hidden nuances. Taking me to the next level in organization and fleshing out my book."

3 years ago

Michelle star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"You've shown me all the features available in Scrivener to make writing faster and easier."

3 years ago

Case Lane star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"What I like most about Learn Scrivener Fast are the detailed notes and screenshots with every video - that's really helpful!"

3 years ago

Kimberly star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Before I was lost and now I am much better at organizing my writing by using the color-coding system and the inspector. Also, I am now use project targets and using the outline view to determine how many words I have remaining for each of my chapters. Awesome sauce!"

3 years ago

Margi Prideaux star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Learning how to import documents and split chapters has made a world of difference. So many of my drafts were in word, and until the training I was importing them all one section at a time. It was slow and deeply boring. 'Importing Documents & Splitting Chapters' has been a real Ninja tip!"

3 years ago

Janet Burton star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"The training modules in Learn Scrivener Fast are very easy to follow."

3 years ago

Ed Lozano star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I love the bonuses you've included in this course!"

3 years ago

Jeff Arnall star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I'm amazed at how easy Scrivener is to use after taking your classes."

3 years ago

Renee star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Before the course, I'd never used Scrivener. After the course, I'm using it pretty much exclusively."

3 years ago

Charles Stanley star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"You showed some tips I wasn't aware of. Very helpful."

3 years ago

Vicky Benson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I had decided not to bother with Scrivener at all because I didn't feel I had the time or energy to learn it. I decided to get the software and take the course, and my whole mindset changed. I am now unstuck, and foresee delighting to work on writing projects instead of dreading them and being unwieldy."

3 years ago