Paul Robein
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"Le BOOTCAMP est une d�dramatisation de l�entrepreneuriat et permet � tous de s'approprier la d�marche d�s lors que nous sommes motiv�s!"
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"La densit� des cours, le professionnalisme des mentors, leur sens de l'�coute, la polyvalence des slides"
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"Le bootcamp est un remue m�ninges intense permettant de d�boucher sur des pr�mices de travaille int�ressants."
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"La p�pite (petit jeu de mot) du bootcaomp �tait le d�roulement : divis� en temps th�orique et en temps pratique."
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"The bootcamp has completely changed the vision i had on business, made me think much more deeply on what are the priority points and what are the accessory ones to launch a start up. Paul RV"
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"- Very concrete: what we learn can be directly applied to our project - Alternation between quote slides from CEOs and explanation ones make the presentation clearer - Lots of pitchs trains - Very good mentors, very available"
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"The mentors team, always present to answer to our questions."
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"Hard, intensive but so helpful experience. Stanislas"
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"Retour sur exp�rience"
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"Vraiment une belle exp�rience, des intervenants impliqu�s. Permettre � votre start up de pousser droit, un peu la m�taphore de la plante et du tuteur pour la faire pousser droite."
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"The bootcamp transform your business idea into product that will be more and more precise while your increasd knowled of your customers and market during this bootcamp."
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"An overview of all the paramters to consider"
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"It's important in some parts but not such important. worth"
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"I got many business knowledge at this weekends and some advices for my project."
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"Martin - If you want to launch your own business, the bootcamp is THE first thing that you need to do."
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"Global and personnalized approach about how to launch a business. Deliver the excel and ppt supports is a big + (thanx again!)"
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"An ultra-enriching and empowering adventure that changed the way I was thinking about making it as an entrepreneur. Testimonial: When signing in to join this bootcamp, I was expecting to attend two days of academic lectures. And while it is true that I was expecting it to be a little more punchy than usual as it was labelled to be "made by entrepreneur..." Read more
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"The actionable orientation of the program: Notions and skills taught are wisely selected, which makes them 1) super interesting to learn 2) ultra effective to make quick and wise improvements in everyone's business model. Great leadership provided by the teachers who do well to mix between being mentors and friendly, reachable people. Perfect timing:..." Read more
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"Une exp�rience intense, qui remet en question les fondements de notre envie d'entreprendre, mais dont on ressort enrichi, mieux arm� et motiv� pour aller encore plus loin."
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"L'intensit� de la formation qui exige que nous soyons r�actifs et rapides L'investissement et l'�nergie des speakers et des mentors qui �tait communicative et donnait envie de "faire mieux" � chaque nouvel essai Le document excel r�utilisable pour nos propres projets, pour les reprendre et les am�liorer � posteriori La chronologie des cours et des activit..." Read more
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"A 360 degrees review of your weaknesses to help you to go further. (CB)"
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"The bootcamp should allow eveybody to work on its own project. It would avoid situations in which the jury tell the students that some business model are just impossible (projects invented 24h before ...) and allow teams to continue their work without having to "simulate" a situation in which they have 4 founders instead of 3 for instance."
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"Rigor , richness of programs , motivation, work differently , working with new profiles , sharing / support with other entrepreneurs, excel support for the business plan, dynamic way with no loss of time."
9 years ago
Anonymous Participant from Sorbonne
"The intensive program that gives you all the tricks to become an entrepreneur. LC"
9 years ago
""Two days to learn the ropes of creating a startup, with beautiful meetings and passionate mentors !" "
9 years ago
Endorsal review