Anonymous Participant from Epitech
Anonymous Participant from Epitech
"- La force du programme r�side majoritairement dans la nouvelle fa�on de penser, et finalement, nous am�ne assez naturellement (en tant que profils techniques) � ne plus penser uniquement sous l'angle de la technologie mais surtout sous l'angle du viable, du faisable. - Egalement, cela donne du corps aux id�es qu'on pouvait avoir jusque l�, et potentielleme..." Read more
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"Experience the whole process in a few ours. building one case study. the tools given (spread sheets), working by groups, have the experience of the team- Have a feed-back from external investors - about the content : how you mix different approach to focus on the creation of the start-up (effectuation, lean start-up, etc), the focus on customer and the find..." Read more
10 years ago
Marc The Cantillon
"The Cantillon : a start-up to be modeled to create our own start-up' 'The Cantillon boot camp : a 32 hours experience to make the experience of start-up creation' 'The first step to create your start-up : The Cantillon camp to experiment the complete process of start-up creation'"
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"It is the perfect setting to test an idea and to go through the entrepreneur steps in 48 hours. It is fantastic because you are connected with people with the same willingness "create value/change the world" mind. Instead of spending 6 months with an idea in mind, you go through it in 3 days and you know where you stand and more interestingly you go away wit..." Read more
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"Perfect place to start your entrepreneurship journey! It is good to have ideas it is better to evaluate them quickly. The good thing is that you can fail and fail again. You are with the right persons to make it happen. This is priceless."
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"The Cantillon bootcam program has changed my views, motivations and priorities to startup my own business."
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"The following contents : Customer acquisition and MVP Customer, pain and solution Competition, secret sauce and market Selling and Pitching And especially, the fact that you have focused on the customer as being the better finance provider."
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"Une immersion fondatrice pour passer de l'aventure � la r�alisation de son Why. Aude B"
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"L'immersion totale La force de l'�change dans le groupe L'�nergie du coaching"
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"- Putting together people coming from very different universe, who share a same entrepreneurship desire - Networking - Consistency of the 2 speakers in delivering the message "If you don't sell, you have a hobby" - the time dedicated to case study and pitch, the presentation and round of feedback with real investors, it creates positive tension"
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"Cantillon is a startup accelerator and a school which help you to become a successfull entrepreneur with a touch of fun"
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"The teachers and the mentors...the team! The easy to understand slides The modernity and the coherance The reality and the facts"
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"You won't regret enhances your vision and it opens your horizon to greater things. Helen (Designer Womenswear/Leather Goods/Shoes)"
10 years ago
"The Cantillon = School for unborn start ups The Cantillon helped me to organize my project : ensure that there is a demand before lauching a business."
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"Description of my Cantillon program : "Cut the Bullshit and get the job done! If you don't have a customer, you have a hobby" A testimonial : If you want to learn how to launch a company, this is the place to be."
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"The Cantillon program does not only change the way you see the world, but it also enlightens who you are, your dreams, your passions, your goals, and tightens your relationships with whoever you talk to, including your partners, your friends, and your family."
10 years ago
"Best accelerate business program ! Lose your saturday gain a startup ! I learnt a lot, I had the opportunity (rare in France) to practice my English, and since then our app is bilingual. The crew was great, as well as the cohort. Everyone was welcomed, the ambiance was very friendly, but also hard working. I already recommended the programm to people i..." Read more
10 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"The ability to explain things with simple words, the the do it now speech"
11 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"It was a transicion from thinking of how to do it, to actually doing it now"
11 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"Exhausting but very good training! Thanks."
11 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"There's nothing like sweating 8 days in a room full of great people to give birth to ready-to-launch visions."
11 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"- 35 people in a room, talented, motivated, ready to launch a company. - A good method to evaluate efficiently a new business model - An awesome atmosphere"
11 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"First class lessons, great overview of every important points I can think of."
11 years ago
Anonymous Participant from The Cantillon
"The Cantillon gave us great tools to help our starting businesses. I feel a lot more confidant about being a founder now."
11 years ago
"It brings a new approach of the startup's goals and creation process"
10 years ago
Endorsal review