312 verified testimonials
4.9/5 average rating

Trevor Verified customer

Dokyong Tunga-Lergo Verified customer
United States
"I am excited with Shogun Method, and the possibilities it can give me!"
2 years ago

William Gordon Verified customer
United Kingdom
"If you want to succeed with women Shogun Method gives you the understanding and tools you need to be the kind of man women desire. It will put you firmly in control. Being a Shogun saved my life."
2 years ago

Albin Verified customer
"Shogun Method has made me a better man. Nothing else comes close."
2 years ago

Jorge Verified customer
United States
"Eye opening (and shocking). The female minds are flawed, and these flaws may well be exploited, that's the truth. I am already fully immersed in the art of the Shogun, and it has changed my life."
2 years ago

Joel Verified customer
Montana, United States
"Pretty good so far with lots of knowledge to take in."
2 years ago

Steven Verified customer
United States
"I've been played by women all my life, and Shogun Method changes that."
2 years ago

Bafana Macdee Verified customer
South Africa
"A very interesting take on dating & relationships. I love Shogun Method!"
2 years ago

Stephen Verified customer
"Great book!"
2 years ago

Jay Verified customer
South Africa
"Once your exposed to this kind of 'forbidden' knowledge, I swear there's no turning back. Why would you?"
2 years ago

Jack Vesey Verified customer
United States
"Understanding the female mind was the missing knowledge in my attraction game. I am a novice with Shogun Method, but I'm already seeing some great results. Love it!"
2 years ago

Jess Verified customer
"I am amazed at how much guess work is taken out of the dating game... I am enjoying practicing on neutral targets for now before I go for the gold! Shyness around women is now a thing of the past for me. Thanks Derek!"
2 years ago

Salah Safiah Verified customer
"I wasn't convinced at first. Then, I tried it on this girl at the gym, and it worked! I am now dating her."
2 years ago

KA Biolley Verified customer
Costa Rica
"Shogun Method saved my love life. I had learned a lot of PUA tricks before this, but there is nothing like Shogun Method and Derek Rake's teachings. This is real mind control that can be used not only on any woman, but on anyone."
2 years ago

John Verified customer
South Africa
"My desirability has skyrocketed in a month. I continue to be a respectful gentleman, just with a fun and intriguing naughty side. This balance has led to me developing deep, fun and a connection that I never thought would be possible!"
2 years ago

Adam Bruno Verified customer
United States
"Shogun Method has helped me build self-esteem when speaking to women. I really enjoy the conversations that I am now having with women. In the beginning I was really struggling with implementing the IRAE model, but it's working great now."
3 years ago

Tony Verified customer
United States
"Derek is the best thing that can happen to a man’s life. If only to be so lucky to have found his work at a younger age. I’ve changed my life circumstances for the better, and Shogun Method is how I did that."
3 years ago

Joe Alexander Verified customer
Florida, United States
"Shogun Method is one of a kind. It teaches you how to unlock your true masculine ability so you can have any woman you want. One request, though... this knowledge must remain underground so nobody else but us Shoguns know it."
3 years ago

David Buttel Verified customer
Kansas, United States
"Derek, this is awesome. My woman is almost afraid to be around me, but in a good way. It's all about control!"
3 years ago

Jake Stone Verified customer
United States
"This explains a lot about women. Like, I've always wondered how goofy guys get to marry beautiful women. With Shogun Method, I now know. Love this program!"
3 years ago

Kosaj Oddo Verified customer
"Thank you, Derek, for Shogun Method. These are the truths about human nature that will never change. Love it!"
3 years ago

Timothy K Kiarie Verified customer
"This program is awesome. I have gone up to Module 5 so far and I love every bit of it! Wonderful stuff, Derek."
3 years ago

Loren Jannings Verified customer
Indiana, United States
"It's finally time that us men are able to learn the true nature of women (it's not what people commonly believe). The best money I have ever spent. Shogun Method is a great service."
3 years ago

Luke Bagshaw Verified customer
United Kingdom
"Great insights not only about women, but about men."
3 years ago

Sonic Verified customer
South Africa
"I will simply say this–with Shogun Method, you will never, ever fail with women."
3 years ago
"The Shogun Method is bang-on. I understood the female nature years ago but Shogun Method shows definitely how to overcome the obstacles. Before Shogun Method, I had simply given up. Now I’m back in the game at a level I never dreamed of before."
a year ago