313 verified testimonials
4.9/5 average rating

Samar Verified customer
(Not Disclosed)

Ian Coleman Verified customer
Florida, United States
"I've been studying female psychology since my breakup five months ago. Everything I've tried failed... until Shogun Method came along. I can't believe my eyes. This is the holy grail of relationships, period."
4 years ago

Anonymous Verified customer
United States
"I appreciate how Derek explains the scientific theory behind Shogun Method. It's great to know HOW the female mind works and WHY Shogun Method techniques work so well - because it's rooted in science. Thank you, Derek Rake!"
4 years ago

Erik Verified customer
"Shogun Method is the real deal. If you want have a better love life then this knowledge is for you."
4 years ago

Steven Michael Catanus Verified customer
"Mindblowing. Will change everything if you apply it to your life."
4 years ago

Nati Molejo Verified customer
United States
"Derek Rake is the man!"
4 years ago

Troy Verified customer
"I absolutely love Shogun Method. If you follow the simple instructions, it will work. And it works well."
4 years ago

Marjo Verified customer
"Shogun Method works, but you need to have the courage to execute it. For me, it was difficult at first, but I got used to it after doing exactly what it says inside program. Shogun Method will change your life - it did mine."
4 years ago

Ryan Murphy Verified customer
United States
"Amazing. Shogun Method works not only on women. The skills are useful for other areas in a man's life."
4 years ago

Jason Lu Verified customer
United States
"Thank you Derek Rake! You helped me get a girlfriend that I've been obsessing for a long time."
4 years ago

Abolfazl Najafi Verified customer
"At first I thought it was hard... but Shogun Method turned out to be quite easy. Thank you, Derek!"
4 years ago

Reginald G Verified customer
United States
"I was paralyzed from an accident. My return to wellness made me realize that there are more efficient ways to do things like stand/walk. Posture and alignment in all things, including women. As such the Shogun Method has been a real gift."
4 years ago

Ben Verified customer
United States
"Life changing. I got tremendous results with Fractionation alone."
4 years ago

Jason Farmers Verified customer
Salt Lake City
"It works! I’ve always been dominating as a man, and I know what I want in women. Shogun Method puts it all in perspective for me. If you don’t have your hands on this, you're missing out. Five stars from me."
4 years ago

Marcus Verified customer
South Africa
"Even though I'm just starting out with Shogun Method, I'm already seeing the results I want. Since I've started using like intrigue pings, fractionation etc, my interactions with women have been tremendously rewarding. I look forward to mastering Shogun Method and change my life."
5 years ago

Angelo Colon Verified customer
United States
"Works great. Used it on my girlfriend. We're engaged."
5 years ago

Sam Verified customer
"Derek Rake has found the gold mine of attraction knowledge! With Shogun Method, there aren’t any sleazy pickup lines to memorize. Dereks gets to what's important, and removes the unnecessary, time-wasting things that pickup artists say."
5 years ago

Zack Christmas Verified customer
"I recently bought Shogun Method. This is mind-blowing information! Definitely not for the fainthearted though. It can get scary at times."
5 years ago

Derek Verified customer
Fargo, North Dakota
"I love it!"
5 years ago

Bobby Millirons Verified customer
"Shogun Method is the Masters course in winning and keeping the woman of my dreams. I've weighted it against my own life experiences and I'll tell you... it's accurate as hell."
5 years ago

Marcus Bash Verified customer
"Have been using this for better than a year. It is so nice to be able to walk up to any woman I choose to target and just work the program. I give up on some for their attitudes and so on, but it flat out works if you follow the structure."
5 years ago

Mike Airlie Verified customer
"Great product, brilliant after care and client support. Regular updates via the Insider Lab are particularly helpful. It works!"
5 years ago

Preston Verified customer
United States
"Are you looking for a program that will not only get you results right away but also work on yourself as an individual? You won't know how f*cked up my life used to be... but every thing started to change as soon as I became a Shogun."
5 years ago

Mark M. Casey Verified customer
Croydon, United Kingdom
"My advice: Get Shogun Method, and use it. It works. That is all."
5 years ago

Jason Mandela Verified customer
"Shogun Method works. Believe me because I've wasted a lot of time money and frustrations on the ones that don’t. I recommend it wholeheartedly."
5 years ago
"Shogun Method is a unique way of understanding and influencing women at the most fundamental level. Backed by science unlike the other programs. Highly recommended."
4 years ago