Learn Scrivener Fast Reviews & Testimonials

5 (431)

Reviews: 431


100% of customers would recommend Learn Scrivener Fast

Fred Mitchell star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“LEARNED SOMETHING NEW!” I had been using Scrivener for two years and so knew my way around on an intermediate level. Learn Scrivener Fast has improved the way I structure and organize my work. For example, I learned how to import my novel from a blank Scrivener template into the novel template, I changed my Chapter docs into folders and the content in thos..." Read more

3 years ago

Ruby Thomas star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“HIGH QUALITY TUTORIALS!” Your clear step-by-step instructions are excellent. You have put a ton of effort into this training program and it shows. It’s so easy to understand the parts of Scrivener I struggled with and learn things I didn’t even know it could do. Best money ever spent. The instruction on converting a non-fiction book from Word into e-reader..." Read more

3 years ago

Olivia Hall star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“I NOW UNDERSTAND!” I was a little confused about Scrivener and could not get it to work for me. I recognized that it could have the potential to work well for me in larger writing projects, but found it difficult to grasp some of the concepts behind the program. I understood the idea behind the binder but couldn’t get to work properly. Learn Scrivener Fast..." Read more

3 years ago

Ralph Suzuki star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“LEARNED NEW TRICKS!” Though I already had a working knowledge of Scrivener, I had never been as proficient as I would have liked. However, after going through Learn Scrivener Fast, I discovered an array of pro-tips and tricks that I’d honestly never used or known of, even as a professional ghostwriter. I’ve learned how to set up Scrivener so that my files..." Read more

3 years ago

Emily Takahashi star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“FOUND NEW USES!” I wasn’t really using Scrivener. I would start a project but never get back to it. Now I use it for my Podcast and blog. I have started to dust off those projects to get them done. I have 2 projects on my website that I put into Scrivener to work on completing this year. Plus, I’m using it more for my research and my dissertation. I love t..." Read more

3 years ago

Pete Reid star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“QUICK TUTORIALS” I do like the way it is packaged into small bites, so that I don’t have to sit for 30 min. trying to absorb it all at once and can quickly review techniques and commands. They are very nicely compartmentalized. I am 60 years old and learning new tricks."

3 years ago

Ellen Bard star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“MORE EFFECTIVE WRITER!” I was using Scrivener all the time, for blogging, for writing fiction, and even for my lists and to dos, but the course is helping me to use it more efficiently and effectively, and I am able to look up particular questions when I need specific help. I like the bite size chunks and I love the screen shots underneath so I can scan th..." Read more

3 years ago

Curt Tanaka star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“EASY TO LEARN!” Joseph has a way of explaining things in layman’s terms and I liked that. I can’t begin to tell you how difficult a time I was having organizing my writing and to have it all in one place makes completing projects so much easier."

3 years ago

Stuart Stevens star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“LEARNED SO MUCH!” Prior to LSF I used Scrivener like a Word document. Basically just writing. Now I feel freer to write as the words come, as Scrivener allows me to move words and documents around. The Scrivenings tab helps me see if there is flow in my dialogues and characters. The comments tags lets me make notes and keep moving forward with my writing,..." Read more

3 years ago

Thomas Watanabe star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“THE COMPLETE PACKAGE!” I have taken over a month to get all the pieces into a project in Scrivener and have moved on to 5 other books that I have had scattered here and there. Because I had this great training at my fingertips, I have been able to set up multiple projects in a consistent format across them all. Your program has taught me so much! I’m just..." Read more

3 years ago

Bruce Cox star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“NO LONGER OVERWHELMED!” Love the speed of learning, length of lessons, and clarity of instructions. Before I was overwhelming by the planning. Now, I am well on my way to finishing my novel plan. I’ll never return to Word!"

3 years ago

Becky Chapman star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“EASY TO UNDERSTAND” I’m amazed at how quickly it improved my skills with Scrivener. I’ve written Scrivener for a couple of years, but could not access many of its functions. The handbook is very difficult to use. Your course makes the information easier to find and understand."

3 years ago

Oliver Barker star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“GREAT FOR VISUAL LEARNERS!” I feel like Scrivener works for me now instead of me being a slave to it. Before, it made me feel scattered, like everything was a puzzle thrown all over the floor. Now, I see how all of the pieces fit together and how it’s meant to make writing easier. There is so much more to Scrivener than I ever dreamed and, because I’m a vi..." Read more

3 years ago

Lucy Gill star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“PROFESSIONAL VIDEO!” Your videos are excellent!!! Your teaching method–small bites clearly presented–is perfect for a program as complex as Scrivener. I feel your course was money well spent."

3 years ago

Anne Gonzalez star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“UNDERSTANDING SCRIVENER IS NOW POSSIBLE!” The Learn Scrivener Fast tutorials quickly transported me from dazed and confused to dazzled and determined. The info is presented in small doses, which works great for me. Before using Learn Scrivener Fast, the Scrivener program was simply an icon I’d see on my screen and think, “I’ll get into that soon and figure..." Read more

3 years ago

Jessica Barnes star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“LOVE THE SHORT VIDEOS!” I love the short videos that can teach me what I want to know with no fluff, no rambling, no sitting through a bunch of opinions and setup. Having attended many video courses, many of them are ill-prepared, rambling and overly long. Yours is not, and I love it! Thanks to your course my writing is all organized, color coded and easil..." Read more

3 years ago

Victor Ovaska star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“SO HELPFUL!” I’d had Scrivener forever, tried to use it, and simply couldn’t figure out what everyone was raving about. When I heard how much easier Scrivener made it to format e-books for multiple sales sites, I knew I needed to figure out how to use it. I’d been struggling for months trying to format my books (I have a series of five novels out) for Kobo..." Read more

3 years ago

Cath Phillips star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“HELPED ME ORGANIZE MY WRITING!” It is helpful in organizing my writing, writing that I have been doing for years but not yet put into book form. Bits and pieces are published on my blog. It seems possible for me to now put it altogether. I’ve needed this kind of help organizing a very emotionally charged family story. This kind of help seems hugely practic..." Read more

3 years ago

Anna Gray star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“LEARNED SO MUCH!” I had worked through the manual and found it really good. However, I could never find specific info when I needed it. And the Search function in Scrivener isn’t great. Thanks to your videos, I’m writing a lot more now, just because I know how to organize the material better. I’m writing a novel and the best things I learned are: a) how to..." Read more

3 years ago

Chloe Wilson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“SURPRISED AT THE QUALITY” I was expecting the standard fare of an hour or two presentation. The clips, covering one specific feature of Scrivener is great. I commend you for your foresight in setting up the two and three minute modules. I have owned Scrivener for more than a year and got totally frustrated with it. I even lost my work a couple of times blu..." Read more

3 years ago

Joel Takkula star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“GREAT COURSE!” Ease of learning is great. It’s got the video AND the notes – covers all types of learners. Before, I was learning Scrivener as I used it on a current project. Now, I am using it as part of the prep to complete the project. Super to have my outline next to my writing space!"

3 years ago

Rob Harris star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“WELL THOUGHT OUT!” Clearly presented! Not necessarily getting more writing done, but by using Scrivener, I’m saving time by being better organized."

3 years ago

Paul Davies star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“WELL WORTH THE COST!” Before I learned that Scrivener gives you a word count for your session and for each chapter, I would stop writing when I was tired or a little blocked. Now, I set a goal and keep working until I reach it."

3 years ago

Lorraine Pearson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“BLOGGING IS SO MUCH EASIER NOW” I went through the whole Scrivener tutorial that came with the program and I thought that Learn Scrivener Fast was going to just be a retread of that. Turns out there were a few tidbits, especially in the later parts of the course, that I found weren’t included in the native tutorial and I also thought were really awesome. S..." Read more

3 years ago

Sophie Suurhasko star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“EASY TO RETAIN!” I was hitting a wall with the Scrivener. Everything seemed to be overwhelming. The “tutorial” that is included with Scrivener seemed more difficult to understand than the program. There were a few glimmers with some of the YouTube videos. Your classes were sort of like a book opening with everything becoming clearer. I still can’t get over..." Read more

3 years ago