Learn Scrivener Fast Reviews & Testimonials

5 (440)

Reviews: 440


100% of customers would recommend Learn Scrivener Fast

Ralston Barrett star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I'm surprised how simple and effective the Learn Scrivener Fast tutorials are."

4 years ago

Steph Hynds star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Scrivener is pretty much as easy as you said. It's a great course, taught well. Well worth the money. I had dabbled with Scrivener, but was running into trouble figuring out to make real use of it."

4 years ago

Grant Small star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I have really found that LSF is a great way to learn all the tips and tricks in an easy-to-learn format."

4 years ago

Ann Marie Rasmussen star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I like that this course provides help for using Evernote with Scrivener; I've been using both since ca. 2012 but have struggled with it because (1) it has created clutter and (2) I didn't know how to get the two programs to work together well."

4 years ago

Susie star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Learn Scrivener Fast takes this huge, complex, incredibly powerful software and breaks it down into bite-size chunks that you can actually digest. I still can't believe how powerful the software is, and it's so nice to actually know how to use it."

4 years ago

Jen Leary star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Before taking your course I was inching along. With your course, I'm now able to utilize Scrivener fully. One important component I've learned when taking on deadlines is having a robust workflow process in place."

4 years ago

Scrivener Student star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"Learn Scrivener Fast, thus far, has shown me how detailed and thoughtful Scrivener is as a program. Had I not bought the course, I'd be discovering these nuances much later, but I'm glad to know them now and have them at my fingertips in case I get stuck again. I had gotten a lot of writing done but now, with LSF, I'm getting more excited to work on other p..." Read more

4 years ago

Brian Pound star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I was surprised how complete this course was and how user-friendly. It was better than any of the books available on Scrivener. It was great how helpful the staff were when contacted."

4 years ago

Fred Yeager star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Although I was not new to Scrivner, I had not used many of its features, probably because I never took the time to learn and because the other teaching programs I tried were difficult and not intuitive. I have been very pleased with your course and have learned several things that are proving to be very useful."

4 years ago

Ginny star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Such enthusiasm! I love the passion and clarity."

4 years ago

Robert “Sharky” Pruneda star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“WELL ORGANIZED!” Before using Learn Scrivener Fast, I had the basics down, but I was really struggling with unlocking the full potential of using Scrivener, particularly with organizing my projects and utilizing all of the tools available. Now, I’m starting to get the hang of this program and am feeling more comfortable using it. My projects are feeling mo..." Read more

4 years ago

Kevin Hopkins star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“BUILT CONFIDENCE!” I had Scrivener almost a year, but was procrastinating on writing because I lacked the confidence in my knowledge on how to exploit Scrivener’s vast capabilities. Due to LSF, I’m now ready to attack writing with vigor!"

4 years ago

Carl Bennett star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“THIS COURSE DELIVERS!” This is probably the first course I have paid for that delivered the results fast. Your course does exactly what it says, help people learn Scrivener fast. It would have taken me a long time to learn all of the software’s features."

4 years ago

Edward Phillips star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“WHO KNEW SCRIVENER HAD ALL THESE FEATURES!?” I was surprised to find out how easy and powerful Scrivener is to use – it has functions I never knew I needed (of course I didn’t need them, but now I’ve discovered them, they have become essential)."

4 years ago

Rolf Turner star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“MOTIVATED TO LEARN MORE!” I am so happy to know that I CAN learn Scrivener and that learning it is motivating me to write more! There are so many great features of Scrivener. I want to get to know them all! I had Scrivener for 2-1/2 years before taking Learn Scrivener Fast. I tried to learn it on my own with the tutorial, but it was too overwhelming so I g..." Read more

4 years ago

Manswet Hudson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“I LEARNED MORE THAN EXPECTED” I was surprised at how much I learned in the “Basics” module, even though I have been using Scrivener for years."

4 years ago

Will Butler star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“BYE BYE WORD!” I’ve been a Scrivener user for years, but could never find the time to wrinkle out the secrets of the full program . . . too busy writing to take the time. Then I found LSF and I love it. But LSF has led me to Markdown now and I’m using nvALT, Marked 2 and Byword, and eschewing Word with great pleasure."

4 years ago

Gemma Davis star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“SCRIVENER MAKES SENSE NOW!” It actually works, and makes sense! I had Scrivener for a year, after abandoning it as being clunky, but once you explained it in a visual way that made sense, it worked fine. I am one of those people who has a lot of trouble learning this sort of thing from books."

4 years ago

Margaret Ali star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“I’M NOW AN ORGANIZED WRITER!” I had Scrivener for about four years and I couldn’t use it the way I wanted to, I knew it as a great program if I could just get use to it. After using Learn Scrivener Fast, I’m using Scrivener on all parts of my seven book project . I’ve been able to view all parts of my project in the SAME PLACE as opposed to lots of folders..." Read more

4 years ago

Steven Cooper star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“SHORT VIDEOS - LEARNED A TON!” Originally, I thought the videos might be too short, but I was wrong. I learn best by taking brief notes as I listen then doing what I’ve been taught. These lessons enabled me to do exactly that. Even more I can go exactly back to what I need and not have to scroll around or bookmark or make a note of time where ‘revisions’ a..." Read more

4 years ago

Chris Nicholson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“RETAINED INFO!” Usually with web based learning I remember that something was mentioned but not necessarily how to do it. The short videos make it easy to remember steps."

4 years ago

Catherine Rodriguez star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“MORE PRODUCTIVE!” As a successful indie author, I’ve used Scrivener for about four years because of the compiling ability, but never understood how to capitalize on its full functionality. Having the class materials at my fingertips has been fabulous. I’m more efficient and able to keep projects better organized, which is not only a time saver, but saves m..." Read more

4 years ago

Sam Brooks star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“ORGANIZED MY WRITING!” I had Scrivener, used it some, felt like it was just another word processor over loaded with organizational options in triplicate, so I went back to using Word. But when I found this course as a bonus from another purchase I bought, I started watching the videos and gained far more insight into how I can use Scrivener not only to wri..." Read more

4 years ago

Grace Ryan star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“GREAT PROGRAM!” I was amazed at how fast I could get up and running with Scrivener. I had used it before, but it was several months ago. I was given a quick refresher with Learn Scrivener Fast and learned lots more to make Scrivener match my needs."

4 years ago

Alexandra Martin star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“EASY TO UNDERSTAND!” Before? I was baffled! It looked too hard. After? You explain it so well that gives me confidence knowing it is actually quite simple. The way you break it down makes it very easy to understand! Your screenshots are great and you articulate everything so nicely. I’m surprised that I was a bit ‘scared’ by it all – but you seem to put my..." Read more

4 years ago