Learn Scrivener Fast Reviews & Testimonials

5 (440)

Reviews: 440


100% of customers would recommend Learn Scrivener Fast

Michael Elliott star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"It's just what I hoped it would be: fun and easy to absorb. My desire to get back into writing motivated me to give Scrivener a shot. Your webinar on Learning Scrivener Fast gave me a hook into the software. The way you've designed your course, I can take one bite at a time, chew on it, and then take another bite. I'm absorbing the information at a comfo..." Read more

4 years ago

Carol Clark star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Learn Scrivener Fast is a comprehensive look at all Scrivener has to offer. There is a lot of information presented quite quickly, so I've been taking it slowly, doing a bit every day or so, and still have some to finish. The course has helped me use Scrivener more effectively as I now know how to set it up properly to do what I want, which has meant writin..." Read more

4 years ago

David Gosselin

David Gosselin star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt Verified customer

"Great stuff. I hadn't realized how much Scrivener 3 had changed/improved from v2. I am now much more productive with Scrivener thanks to Joe's teachings."

4 years ago

Randal Glover star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"TOP NOTCH" Only just started, but the course is extremely well organized and thought out. Looking forward to getting through it one day at a time."

4 years ago

Ruthorford Christy star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

""IF YOU WANT TO LEARN SCRIVENER – BUY THIS!" If you want to learn how to tease the most out of Scrivener as an advanced user buy this course. If you’re a newcomer to the software and want to get to grips with the basics, buy this course. If you think you know everything there is to know about Scrivener, buy this course. Basically if you open Scrivener and i..." Read more

4 years ago

Michael Montgomery star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"WELL DONE!" I was getting thru scrivener, but honestly I was struggling. Sure, some people are brilliant and understand tools right off the bat, but I sure didn’t get scrivener. I’m thankful I got this — it has helped me learn several things I never would have understood myself."

4 years ago

Mitch Aunger star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"WELL DONE, AND WELL WORTH IT!" I jumped into using Scrivener on my own over a year ago, and use it a lot, but this course gets me into the little (and some not-so-little) customizations and techniques that make me more productive — and Scrivener more powerful — than I would probably have figured out on my own. It’s well presented and well paced. I found my..." Read more

4 years ago

Desmond Colmer star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

""GREAT COURSE" I love the to-the-point, easily digestible videos. Great teacher. I’m and independent music artist and I use Scrivener now for organizing my albums and songs. Great for everything written, from lyrics all the way to album liner notes and graphics. Oh yeah and marketing landing pages and blogs. I Would not have figured all of this out on my ow..." Read more

4 years ago

Leanne McPhee star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"MONEY WELL SPENT!" I love that each of the sections are short! Even when I do not have a huge amount of time, I feel like I can sign in and watch a handful of videos and learn a lot in a relatively short period of time. Love it. It was all money well spent."

4 years ago

Suzanne Clegg star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"HUGE TIME SAVER ALL THE WAY AROUND" I love the brevity of the videos because if I ever need to go back and watch one again (which I do!), I know that I can find exactly what I want very quickly, and get a quick refresher. It’s a HUGE time saver, all the way around."

4 years ago

Gloria Haworth star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"NOW I CAN FOCUS MORE ON WRITING" The course covers everything from the basics all the way to how to compile an eBook. I was spending much time trying to figure out how something was done. Now Scrivener is starting to become “transparent”, meaning I can now focus more on writing."

4 years ago

Glenn Grant star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"NO LONGER OVERWHELMED!" Love the speed of learning, l Length of lessons, and clarity of instructions. Before I was overwhelmed by the planning. Now, I am well on my way to finishing my novel plan. I’ll never return to Word!"

4 years ago

Reggie Wilkinson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"TWO BOOKS SUCCESSFULLY PUBLISHED!" Before your course, I felt out of my depth with Scrivener. Now I have two books successfully published to Kindle/Amazon and more titles and formats on the way."

4 years ago

Raees Lim star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"LITERALLY CUT MY BOOK WRITING TIME IN HALF!" I have published two books but wasted so much time being unorganized. Now I have started two new novels in the last month and am anticipating a rough draft done by Dec. instead of the two years my last one took me. This literally cut my time in half!"

4 years ago

Carrie-Ann Frederick star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"HOW EASY AND FUN IT IS TO USE SCRIVENER NOW" I LOVE index cards, but was always losing them. And research! I had a 3-ring binder full of pages and now I have a binder on my computer – so easy to take it all with me without the fear of losing anything. How easy and fun it is to use Scrivener with the help of the tutorials!"

4 years ago

Keith Henson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"THIS COURSE MADE SCRIVENER EASY TO LEARN" At first, it was hard for me to learn Scrivener from just reading the free tutorial that came with the program. However, the Learn Scrivener Fast modules made it so much easier to learn how to use Scrivener more productively and efficiently."

4 years ago

Josie Hill star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I'M ALREADY PREPPING MY BOOK FOR A NEW EDITION" Just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you put into your fabulous course. I’ve been struggling with Scrivener on and off for a while. I bought the course yesterday, and I’m already prepping my last book for a possible new edition."

4 years ago

Alexia Herbert star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I'M EXCITED ABOUT WRITING AGAIN!" Your course helped me find quick answers to all the snags I’ve encountered so far. I really feel confident I can master Scrivener now. I’ll be using it for my next book, and my blogs. I’m excited about writing again. Thank you so much!"

4 years ago

Brandy Bourne star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I CAN LEARN SCRIVENER BETWEEN PHONE CALLS!" Your bite-size tutorials were interesting and less time consuming in that I didn’t have to “plan” into my day a time to sit down and learn. I could do it between phone calls! Once I became less intimidated with Scrivener, it was easy to fall in love with what I thought the program was SUPPOSED to be all about. I a..." Read more

4 years ago

Ali Fraser star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

""I WAS DOING EVERYTHING THE HARD WAY" I’d been using Scrivener for about four years, learning it by trial and error and the user guide. But I was doing a lot of things the hard way, so everything took longer. For example, I’d never understood the snapshots function, so I always made a copy of each document before I began revisions. Painfully slow! Now I sim..." Read more

4 years ago

Baran Fuller star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

""I'M GETTING MORE DONE & STAYING ON TRACK" Reading books and such isn’t the same as these wonderful videos. Your course helped me quickly understand the concepts and I’m getting more writing done. Finding the daily target function spurs me to meet my daily goals and watching the project color bar change to green is keeping me on track"

4 years ago

Ami Welsh star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"LOVE THE SHORT BITE-SIZE TUTORIALS!" The short videos are surprisingly easy and efficient to get through. I like the shorter videos because I know that I can get through a module is 5-10 minutes tops."

4 years ago

Corrie Mcphee star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"WHAT TOOK ME SO LONG?" I had bought the application several months before taking this course, with the fear of learning a complex program standing in my way of using this tool. After taking your course, I don’t know how I can ever try to write anything again without using Scrivener to keep me on target and efficiently navigating all the important details th..." Read more

4 years ago

Patsy Meyers star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"I FINALLY UNDERSTAND SCRIVENER!" I was absolutely nowhere with Scrivener! I had downloaded the trial twice, even getting though about half of its tutorial, but never grasped a solid overview of what it was and what were its possibilities. Your course FINALLY did that, and now I feel confident and know exactly what I'm doing."

4 years ago

Charlton Hendrix star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"MAINTAINING MORE CONTROL OVER MY WRITING" Even though I’ve been using Scrivener for several years, I learned new things. I am more organized. I have started a new project for my blog, and can see how I can maintain more ‘control’ over my writing process."

4 years ago