Learn Scrivener Fast Reviews & Testimonials

5 (440)

Reviews: 440


100% of customers would recommend Learn Scrivener Fast

Victor Ovaska star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“SO HELPFUL!” I’d had Scrivener forever, tried to use it, and simply couldn’t figure out what everyone was raving about. When I heard how much easier Scrivener made it to format e-books for multiple sales sites, I knew I needed to figure out how to use it. I’d been struggling for months trying to format my books (I have a series of five novels out) for Kobo..." Read more

4 years ago

Cath Phillips star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“HELPED ME ORGANIZE MY WRITING!” It is helpful in organizing my writing, writing that I have been doing for years but not yet put into book form. Bits and pieces are published on my blog. It seems possible for me to now put it altogether. I’ve needed this kind of help organizing a very emotionally charged family story. This kind of help seems hugely practic..." Read more

4 years ago

Anna Gray star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“LEARNED SO MUCH!” I had worked through the manual and found it really good. However, I could never find specific info when I needed it. And the Search function in Scrivener isn’t great. Thanks to your videos, I’m writing a lot more now, just because I know how to organize the material better. I’m writing a novel and the best things I learned are: a) how to..." Read more

4 years ago

Chloe Wilson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“SURPRISED AT THE QUALITY” I was expecting the standard fare of an hour or two presentation. The clips, covering one specific feature of Scrivener is great. I commend you for your foresight in setting up the two and three minute modules. I have owned Scrivener for more than a year and got totally frustrated with it. I even lost my work a couple of times blu..." Read more

4 years ago

Joel Takkula star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“GREAT COURSE!” Ease of learning is great. It’s got the video AND the notes – covers all types of learners. Before, I was learning Scrivener as I used it on a current project. Now, I am using it as part of the prep to complete the project. Super to have my outline next to my writing space!"

4 years ago

Rob Harris star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“WELL THOUGHT OUT!” Clearly presented! Not necessarily getting more writing done, but by using Scrivener, I’m saving time by being better organized."

4 years ago

Paul Davies star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“WELL WORTH THE COST!” Before I learned that Scrivener gives you a word count for your session and for each chapter, I would stop writing when I was tired or a little blocked. Now, I set a goal and keep working until I reach it."

4 years ago

Lorraine Pearson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“BLOGGING IS SO MUCH EASIER NOW” I went through the whole Scrivener tutorial that came with the program and I thought that Learn Scrivener Fast was going to just be a retread of that. Turns out there were a few tidbits, especially in the later parts of the course, that I found weren’t included in the native tutorial and I also thought were really awesome. S..." Read more

4 years ago

Sophie Suurhasko star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“EASY TO RETAIN!” I was hitting a wall with the Scrivener. Everything seemed to be overwhelming. The “tutorial” that is included with Scrivener seemed more difficult to understand than the program. There were a few glimmers with some of the YouTube videos. Your classes were sort of like a book opening with everything becoming clearer. I still can’t get over..." Read more

4 years ago

Simon Spencer star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE TEACHING!” I’m a teacher who is new to Scrivener and new to writing. Joseph’s course showed me the power of Scrivener in very simple units that the teacher in me admires. I attended a teacher workshop after completing the first module and had a powerful tool for taking notes and organizing resources while attending the workshop. As I l..." Read more

4 years ago

Douglas Stewart star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“I SAID OUT LOUD, “THIS GUY DESERVES EVERY PENNY OF THIS COURSE PRICE!” I found your training extremely helpful. I was in the middle of a third rewrite and struggling with the program although I had figured out enough to get out 72K words but lost some sections, and rearranged others. The writing itself was going well but effectively using Scrivener was at..." Read more

4 years ago

Alison Griffiths star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“PUBLISH QUICKER!” I was using Scrivener in the best way I knew through other tutorials and making a total mess of my first drafts (that’s the way it works for most of us), then starting a whole new project in order to sort it out. With my current project, started with the help of this program, I’ve able to stick with one document and do a complete second d..." Read more

4 years ago

Arnolf Mason star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“VERY PLEASED!” I have been very pleased with the how comprehensive LSF is. It seems to cover all aspects of the software, even those pokey little corners hidden in sub-menus. Before LSF, I had read two manuals, and although I felt I had a broad understanding I did not feel confident. LSF has changed that. I’m still in the planning stage of my writing, but..." Read more

4 years ago

Cheryl Williams star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“VERY WELL DONE!” The lessons are short and easy to understand and I can go back and repeat them if I need to. It is very well done. I was stuck. I didn’t know how most of the features worked. I felt like I was floundering. Since I started using Learn Scrivener Fast, I finished a blog and have my non- fiction project organized."

4 years ago

Agatha Huusko star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“PLEASANTLY SURPRISED!” Although the course name includes the word “Fast” (I was skeptical), I was pleasantly surprised at how true it turned out to be. Like a lot of people, I purchased Scrivener and let it sit. By the time I got to my third book, I knew I needed a more efficient system so, I went looking for training. That’s when I found your site. After..." Read more

4 years ago

Justin Marshall star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“I NOW HAVE A GOAL!” I was muddling through trying to learn Scrivener on my own. I’ve now got my writing goals in place and feel quite empowered to accomplish them."

4 years ago

Zoe Roberts star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“ORGANIZED MY BLOG!” Scrivener is incredible for organizing my blog content. It’s so useful, I’ll be using it to create user manuals for my 9-to-5 as well!"

4 years ago

Ella Atkinson star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“I AM NOW A BLOGGER!” I have been dreaming of starting a blog for a while, but never committed to it because I didn’t want to put a bunch of effort in only to have nothing to write about. Now, I have been “blogging” inside of Scrivener whenever inspiration strikes. I already have 10 blog posts of over 1000 words each, written and ready to go when I launch m..." Read more

4 years ago

John Hermo star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“LOVE THE SHORT VIDEOS!” The course lives up to its promise to deliver training in bite size pieces that are immediately useful. have more confidence that I can use the tool as a core piece of my writing process. Writing in composition mode (did not know how to make that switch before) and setting a restful background helps me get in the zone and stay there..." Read more

4 years ago

Klara Stone star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“EASY TO FOLLOW VIDEOS” They are short and easy to follow. You have done a great job of pulling out what is different in a PC as compared to Mac. I am finding the course a great resource to answer the question, “How do I…”"

4 years ago

Mel Jones star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“BYE BYE HANDWRITTEN NOTES!” The most surprising thing is that after soaking up Learn Scrivener Fast like a huge sponge, I was able to begin the outlining process. This eliminated a pile of handwritten notes!"

4 years ago

Aleksy George star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“EASY TO FOLLOW!” The way you lay out the training is easy to follow and to follow along with my own current project in Scrivener. In the first few videos I learned tips (e.g. snapshots) that are saving me tons of time and agony. I now have a writing plan."

4 years ago

Carrie Saito star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“NOW I UNDERSTAND!” Before, I was reading books like Scrivener for dummies and looking for YouTube Videos. Now, I’m “actively” learning the software. I love the short and to the point videos. Get what you need and move along."

4 years ago

Adrian Melleri star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“EASY TO LEARN!” Once someone explains it to you in straightforward, simple terms, Scrivener is easy to learn! It has also made me a more organized writer. I used to just dump all the information in a word processing document and manually copy and paste sections to rearrange them. Scrivener made re-organizing content much easier."

4 years ago

Jessica Belltower star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt star-alt

"“I’M BLOWN AWAY BY THIS COURSE!” I can’t believe how it’s upped my productivity and helped me get organized. And I’m only half way through the Ninja Level! Okay, I cheated a little a skipped ahead for some of the extras 🙂 I‘ll admit I was hesitant paying for the full course with the bonuses, but I now think it’s worth so much more than I paid. Much, much m..." Read more

4 years ago