Roxanne Verified customer
CD Verified customer
"Great customer service folks that were very helpful"
2 years ago

Greg Verified customer
"Still waiting for it to work, but I’m happy with customer service and I’m hoping for the best!"
2 years ago

Heather Verified customer
"After years of listening to ringing I am finally getting some relief. The Duo is a life saver. It’s still there every few days but it has greatly decreased! My only advice is don’t return it after the trial period, give it time!!!"
2 years ago
Scott S Verified customer
"I ended up returning it after giving it a good try. Unfortunately it didn't improve my ability to hear sounds that I have trouble with. I gave it 5 stars because the company was great to deal with and issued the refund promptly."
2 years ago

Vann Verified customer
"I teach audio engineering and Music production in Atlanta, GA. In 2020 I developed tinnitus. I found Neosensory bc I follow their founder David Eagleman. It works. 6 weeks and no tinnitus!"
2 years ago
Thomas S. Or Mr C Verified customer
"My story about Neosensory is , Have faith and patience and listen to as much conversation as you can. I rise early and have my coffee and listen to news on my Radio news for as long as I can. And I’m not using my hearing aids for TV now"
2 years ago
Sally E. Fairchild Verified customer
"Service was excellent. Company very responsive to all questions and concerns"
2 years ago
Gary Hart Verified customer
"I've worn 2 hearing aids of every brand for 30 years, and have been diagnosed with”auditory deprivation,” and I still couldn’t understand 50% of the conversation on TV or on bluetooth connected iPhone. I've had Clarify 10 days, and it does exactly as offered."
2 years ago

Tom Verified customer
"I'm absolutely blown away by the Duo! After getting tinnitus & feeling hopeless, I decided to give the Duo a try. After using it every day for a full month, the ringing has significantly subsided. The support team has also been wonderful."
2 years ago

JMF Verified customer
"I feel that Neosensory Duo has helped me a lot. I have used it for two months now. I say give it a try!!!"
2 years ago
Steve Verified customer
"The customer service was excellent. The product was shipped quickly. I want to be a believer in this technology, but within the 30 day window, I didn't feel that it was working for me. Not dissing the product, just not for me. Refunded."
2 years ago

Steve Blazer Verified customer
"The changes in my hearing have been subtle, but noticeable. For church, people making prayer requests from rows behind me I can now hear clearly, and without turning around. So far, expectations have been exceeded."
2 years ago
William Halprin Verified customer
"I am in my third month using the Duo. I use it in the morning 🌅. I hope to get positive results to reduce the tininitus in my left ear. I appreciate the wonderful customer service I have received from your staff and management."
2 years ago
Angela G Eaton Verified customer
"Easy to use. Good packaging and instructions. Waiting to see how it works in the longer term; I just started using it a few weeks ago."
2 years ago
Harry Verified customer
"I use the wristband & my hearing aids & I have learned to lip read for comprehension. My wife has noticed that with Clarify I am NOT lip reading, & my hearing comprehension is better even without my glasses!"
2 years ago
Kristina Verified customer
"Although this did not seem to alleviate my wife's tinnitus the support we received and the refund within 30 days was successful and I am grateful we had the opportunity to try it risk free !"
3 years ago

Sam Nelson Verified customer
"Duo began allowing my brain's response to the tinnitus stimuli to change from the first session. After 8 weeks my tinnitus is significantly reduced. In the last two weeks it has been at levels lower than I can recall about half the time."
3 years ago

Marie JB Verified customer
"Clarify is suited for mild and moderate hearing loss, but I took a chance and ordered one even though I have severe hearing loss. I noticed a remarkable improvement in understanding words after eight weeks. Thank you, Neosensory!"
3 years ago

Danny Verified customer
"It is not a cure but it helps me."
3 years ago

BRJ Verified customer
"Used device for 30 days and also took other measures to deal with my tinnitus. Tinnitus was nearly gone during my trial but I wasn't sure it was due to Neosensory. But after returning it, I have decided it WAS due to it. Reordering soon!"
3 years ago

RAC Verified customer
"I was distressed about my tinnitus, and read the papers about some of the studies coming out of the UK about bimodal stimulation. This device has helped lessen symptoms. Some days are still hard, but symptoms in general are more manageable."
3 years ago

Kevin R. Verified customer
"I used the product for 10 minutes a day, and my tinnitus symptoms decreased noticeably within a few weeks. The treatments are easy and relaxing too!"
3 years ago

Arixon Gonzalez Verified customer
"This device have been a life saver. The noise in my ears were very loud and the next day using the device went down to 1/2. I have been using it for almost 2 months, I still have another 3 days. I am hopping to get cure very soon!"
3 years ago

TSC Verified customer
"The Neosensory Device reduced my tinnitus after a month’s use. I even decided to purchase the device so that I could continue the therapy."
3 years ago
"I have a fairly severe hearing loss. It's like Clarify taught me to understand conversation again. I can actively participate in one on one and small groups. I sometimes forget my hearing aids and do just fine. Highly recommend."
2 years ago