Kevin C. Verified customer

Donna Verified customer
"Amazing experience! I went from loud ringing due to tinnitus. I noticed a reduction in sound-within the first week. It continued to improve every day. I discussed Duo with my audiologist … she’s excited to try it."
3 years ago

Sherri White Verified customer
"I like the Tranquility I get from the vibrations and the sounds together. It's nice to have something to distract you from the sound of the tinnitus. It's so relaxing that I have fallen asleep with it."
3 years ago

Andrew Walker Verified customer
"Great product, and I can tell it makes a difference with my experience with tinnitus."
3 years ago
Matthew Adams Verified customer
"I have been using my Neosensory band for the past two months and have seen positive results. While my tinnitus is still present, the intensity and the duration periods have lessened noticeably. It is the only solution I have found that works."
3 years ago

Sharon Norton Verified customer
"Been using the Buzz for a little over a month, 10-20 min sessions per day to help alleviate my chronic tinnitus. I have perceived some relief thus far. It is easy to use and work into the day at some point."
3 years ago

Doug Verified customer
"So far so good"
3 years ago
Daniel Verified customer
"At first before I started using the Neurosensory buzz audio device. It got worse before it got better but then as I started to use it every day. I noticed a decrease in the perception. I continue to use it even if it’s giving me a placebo"
3 years ago

David Verified customer
"My tinnitus had become very noticeable even during the day which before had been manageable. Since using Neosensory my tinnitus has gradually decreased"
3 years ago
Rebecca Verified customer
"I have had tinnitus for 30 years. I have tried many products and retraining protocols. Nothing has helped as much as the Buzz. The noise is there, but my anxiety has decreased. After 3 months, I actually have days with no thoughts of T."
3 years ago

Dave Verified customer
"It helps me with my translator phone. There is a delay from time my patient answers the phone and I can read the text. I leave my phone on speaker and the buzz band alerts me that my patient has answered before I see the text."
3 years ago

Mark Verified customer
"As a Papa I got blind sided by tinnitus. I had to make it through this. You need to make changes to improve, when you do you must add the Neosensory Duo. I believe it is a vital piece of this puzzle. My ringing is much less noticeable."
3 years ago

Emerald Verified customer
"I was very impressed with the quality of the device and the customer support. Unfortunately, my tinnitus is accompanied by severe hearing loss so I am unable to hear many of the tones which is why it didn't work for me."
3 years ago

Anna D Verified customer
"I've struggled with severe tinnitus in one ear since having stapedectomy surgery. After a couple of months of the Neosensory program I found myself less distracted by my tinnitus, so I decided to continue the program indefinitely."
3 years ago

Dennis Bielinski Verified customer
"In general, I have had some definite relief. I decided to keep and pay the full 1k for it. I am getting the feeling that it is going to continue to work the longer I use it."
3 years ago
John Brown Verified customer
"Great customer service. As far as the effectiveness of the intervention it's too soon to objectively evaluate that matter."
3 years ago

P Garner Verified customer
"The Neosensory tinnitus program has significantly decreased my awareness of tinnitus. Now the condition seems manageable and within my control rather than something I just have to endure. If you suffer from tinnitus this is a must."
3 years ago

Nicole Verified customer
"AWESOME!!!! I have had the device for going on 7 weeks and it has been a life changer for me. I got tinnitus at the end of having COVID in January 2021. It was all I could think about until I found Neosensory. Not anymore!!!"
3 years ago

Greg Verified customer
"After using the device as part of a broader Tinnitus Retraining Therapy program, I saw a significant reduction in my Tinnitus Functional Index score. While it is not a cure, I do recommend as part of a broader habituation program."
3 years ago
Mark Mankoff Verified customer
"I really didn't know what to expect when I started this therapy. For those that suffer with tinnitus you know how challenging this can be. The product itself is easy to use and the support you get is excellent. The results were good!"
3 years ago
Irene Moore Verified customer
"The duo helped to redirect my tinnitus as well as reduce the intensity."
3 years ago
Janet A.
"I haven’t had as much of a chance to use it as much since right now our social situations are limited. I did use it one night mode and I was happy with that. We live in Mississippi and there have been some tornadoes passing through. I felt better about going to sleep because it would wake me up if there were any sirens. There was one siren and I was in bed...." Read more
3 years ago
Andrea S.
"Enjoying feeling sounds around me and not relying on my hearing family a lot."
3 years ago
Christopher Paul Bartley
"Just wanted to express my thanks and say a giant "well done!" to the entire Neosensory team. I got my Sound Awareness yesterday and it's just astounding. The feel of running water white noise is easily distinguishable from the pre-boil cavitation in the tea kettle. Staccato pulses from birds tweeting at the feeder nearby punctuate the rhythmic, vibratory dro..." Read more
3 years ago
Dwight C.
"I like feeling everything on my Buzz instead of from my hearing aids. Hearing aids sound confused however, Buzz goes straight to the feels."
3 years ago
"So far it has been hard to have a full experience because I have to turn it off at work. I work for a fire department and I am usually in loud environments. When I am in a proper environment it has been a promising experience."
3 years ago